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Member Since 11 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2009 09:43 AM

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In Topic: Githzerai's Creative Corner

17 February 2008 - 09:55 AM

Why would someone draw in MSPaint when there are tools like Photoshop or GIMP?

Well, it could be said that the artist wants to express something of their own, not to use a computer calculations, to give the human art a change!

You can still do it all freehand in PS and GIMP using the much better resizable airbrush/pencil brushes to make it look like a real painting, made with crayons and pastels. No computing :mellow: .

In Topic: Githzerai's Creative Corner

17 February 2008 - 09:20 AM

In Paint?


No...not in Paint. Why would someone draw in MSPaint when there are tools like Photoshop or GIMP?

This for instance was taken from that tutorial I followed to make the drawing I have posted. I'm sure that guy could do even better, can't find any more at the moment.

In Topic: Githzerai's Creative Corner

17 February 2008 - 06:06 AM

Eh, you have a different style than what I'm striving for...guess you could say I'd like it to look as "technically impressive" as possible while you're obviously more for that comic/humorous look. And by the way, I've seen people draw even better with the mouse than that picture in the link. Much better. ;)

In Topic: Githzerai's Creative Corner

17 February 2008 - 12:03 AM

It's actually quite possible to draw with a mouse as well, although it takes some getting used to the different grip - give it a shot. I have seen some rather amazing pieces of art done with nothing more than MS Paint and a mouse.

Actually, I've tried that already. Here's what I came up with after reading a tutorial.

I've tried doing that again, but it's been a while since then, so now I can't even draw a remotely nice circle. Oh well maybe I should read that tut again and give it another shot.

EDIT: I can't find any of your works, can you link me up vilkacis?

In Topic: Art Contest Winners

16 February 2008 - 02:00 PM

Congratulations everyone, you've done some great work there, I envy you. The winning piece is simply gorgeous, but the other three aren't far behind either. This was really a successful contest.