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Member Since 25 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 27 2022 12:08 AM

Topics I've Started

Detect Illusions

13 April 2017 - 12:33 AM

How does the detect illusions ability work, how is it activated?


I have a thief with 126 points at detect illusions, I am sitting invisible near a place where I know that an ogre mage has gone invisible, I have clicked the button for searching for traps, but nothing happens.


I am playing BGT.

Difficulty Level mod

24 March 2017 - 10:44 AM



I have installed a BWS customized Tactical BGT.


I have just started playing and the moment the game started the first time after the short video, my character is at the entrance of Candlekeep Inn, I am asked to choose a difficulty level. I have installed a whole lot of mods and I don't know which one is responsible for the question about the difficulty level. Does anyone know which one is it?

Attached File  Untitled.jpg   158.48K   427 downloads

BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode

19 March 2017 - 11:57 PM



After a successful attempt at BWS recommended installation, I decided to try my hand at the custom one, based on the Expert mode. Wanting to test the vanilla expert mod without my alterations, I went and tested its downloads. A small number of mods was listed in the summary as defective. One of those is Worldmap. The v10.2.1 is the version BWS attempted to download. Is there a non-defective version that I can download? I've read on the "Big World Project v16" pdf that TDD needs a worldmap otherwise it won't work and since I plan on including TDD plus a few other major ones (Drizzt Saga, SoS, etc) as well, I am worried I may need a worldmap mod after all. I've noticed that SHS hosts "BP-BGT Worldmap v10.1" and I was wondering If that would do the trick.


Attached File  WeiDU.log   78.68K   291 downloads

BWS installation of BGT

15 March 2017 - 01:43 AM



I have recently used BWS for a recommended installation of BGTAttached File  WeiDU.log   66.67K   392 downloads


It went well, all of the mods were installed with the exception of Polytweaks which I did manually by copying it into the "BiG World Downloads" folder. The only other mod with an issue is "Homeward Bound" which has recently been fixed (thanks Alien!). How do I install it? Can I do it individually, or do I have to pass through the long process of the full recommended installation again?


Now that I am ready to play, which file should I use for running the game?

A new start (again) for BG game plus mods

02 March 2017 - 04:58 AM

Greetings everyone,


BG in all its versions/expansions is an itch that will never go away. As a consequence, I have decided (predictably) to scratch it again. I am thinking of the full BG1 TOTSC + BG2 SOA + BG TOB plus a multitude of mods. I want to start 1st level at BG1, play it all the way through to the end of the official expansion TOB with all the best that the community of modders has to offer in 2017!


Is the pdf "BiG World Project v16 English" by Leonard Watson the right place to start my journey?


I believe I have much more than minimum system requirements covered, but in the interest of double-checking, could you please have a look and confirm if it is enough to play with everything game-related maxed:

- Intel Core2 Duo (2.4-GHz, 4-MB L2 cache)

- RAM 4.00 GB

- Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

- 17.0-inch diagonal WUXGA WVA (1920 x 1200 and 16M colors)

- NVIDIA Quadro FX 1600M with 512 MB of video memory


Perhaps it is too early for this question, but here it is nonetheless:

All 3 official games plus a tone of mods means I will most definitely reach the max level allowed. Is this issue covered through BWP installation, or will I have to do something else in addition in order to erase the game limitations for levels and spells?