I am curious enough to try my hand in this, if only I have some more detailed walkthrough of what to do, as I am a complete ignoramus with regard to editing.
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In Topic: BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode
20 April 2017 - 10:48 AM
In Topic: BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode
20 April 2017 - 04:06 AM
Tiny issue during the Bone Hill quest. More of an inconsistency than an error. The castle looked familiar until I found the key which confirmed it. The key in the library is mentioned as the key to Nalia's Keep.
In Topic: BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode
11 April 2017 - 03:56 AM
Is there a way to save Bashrik and Mirjala? I've managed to squeeze in a PC in the encounter, before the cutscene, but after the true seeing from Bashrik when the cutscene ends they ignore me as if I don't exist and they go ahead and assassinate them.
In Topic: BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode
09 April 2017 - 01:54 AM
In other worlds...tough luck, especially so if one doesn't have a clue about coding.
In Topic: BWS BGT Installation, Custom, Expert mode
08 April 2017 - 10:27 PM
Here is something else that seems weird: Same enemy (kobold chieftain) attacked by two of my characters. One rolls 18+1=19 and misses and the other 14+5=19 and hits!If you use Near Infinity you can open the creature section and see there are like 30 different Kolbolds. So you probably encountered 2 Kolbold Chieftains but only the name is the same, one probably has a better "THAC0".
Got it.
I am not sure about this, if it is mod related or a vanilla game inconsistency, but here it is. I was at Red Canyon and was deliberating where to travel with regard to the nearest merchants to sell stuff from my full back-packed characters. I am trying to role play all situations, so I was looking at the map to judge the shortest travel route since time was my only consideration. I noticed the following:
How come there is a 4-hour difference between these two destinations and my current location, considering the fact that the Cloud Peak Mountains are almost in the way for one of the two?
I'll repeat here my limited knowledge of the matter and that it may just be imperfect game mechanics that nobody has thought of fixing.
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