Yeah Sendai is incredible! your work is really impressive.
Also, the new Bodhi is very well detailed, thank you for your beautiful portraits, I am eager to see the others!
Member Since 21 Jun 2007Offline Last Active Jan 21 2012 10:08 AM
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- Age 38 years old
- Birthday August 14, 1986
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In Topic: NPC Portrait Pack Expansion
21 January 2012 - 10:10 AM
In Topic: NPC Portrait Pack Expansion
16 January 2012 - 01:31 PM
Very nice work.
The portrait of Bodhi meets the Bioware's artwork, so good !
And Illasera is much better than the original !
Hurry to see this pretty portraits pack release.
The portrait of Bodhi meets the Bioware's artwork, so good !
And Illasera is much better than the original !
Hurry to see this pretty portraits pack release.

In Topic: NPC portrait requests
09 January 2012 - 04:36 PM
Your portraits are beautiful, this mod has great potential and talents are impressive!
I have many ideas of requests for portraits but I do not know if it's feasible..
To begin with, other Bhaalspawn like Illasera, Gromnir Il-Khan, Sendai, ...and why not Viekang ?
or famous minor NPC like Saemon Havarian or Aran Linvail ?
The game could be great with your pictures!
I am your close work.
Sorry for my English, I'm French
Thank you
I have many ideas of requests for portraits but I do not know if it's feasible..
To begin with, other Bhaalspawn like Illasera, Gromnir Il-Khan, Sendai, ...and why not Viekang ?
or famous minor NPC like Saemon Havarian or Aran Linvail ?
The game could be great with your pictures!
I am your close work.

Sorry for my English, I'm French

Thank you

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