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Lloyd DeVirr

Member Since 15 May 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2009 01:25 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Join the Project!

03 November 2007 - 10:58 AM

Have this project completely and utterly died out -- or are some of you still working in the dark of silence? 'Cause i'd hate to see the project end, but it seems a bit of a pity to fool the community with recruiting posts, however old, when it might have ended.

If death is the only answer, than bon voyage down to the books of Oblivion, I say! A good idea, though, apparently, impossible -- for us. yet.

In Topic: Case Files

15 July 2007 - 02:57 PM

Case File L, 3E 395

Subject: Lex, Egidius
Sentence: 35 years of imprisonment. All earthly possessions to be seized by the Imperial Legion.

Description: Egidius Lex, a Watch Captain of the Imperial City at age 42, enangered his Highness the Emperor Uriel Septim VII by having dents in his armor from a fight mere hours before he was called to a parade.

Diet: two and a half pieces of bread a week; two jugs of water a week. No recreation time in the yard, except once every other year.

Subjects Status: Imprisoned, alive. Healthy.

Praise the Nine Divines for their Just Law and Order

NOTE: As of 3E 399 Egidius Lex has been released released and given his items back on basis of not being the real Emperor Uriel Septim VII who imprisoned him, rather Jagar Tharn.

Case File LI, 3E 396

Subjects: Harald, Olaf and Halfdan Svarldbardsson
Sentence: 10 years of imprisonment, 13 years of imprisonment and execution, respectivly.

Description: The three Nordic brothers, respectively of age 18, 20 and 21, was caught while attempting to rob an Imperial caravan transporting taxes from Tear, Nocrom, Mounrhold, Narsis and all the outlying villages and towns, to the Imperial City.
Olaf and Harald paralyzed an uncertain amount of the caravan guards with their limited magic abillities, while Halfdan beheaded ten of the paralyzed guards. The remaining, unparalyzed guards where kept at bay by interferrence from unkown spellcasters and their summoned creatures. However, the three brothers where caught near Fort Crowhaven with the loot.

Diet: A loaf of bread and a jug of water a day untill being released or executed.

Subjects status: Currently under supervision by Lord Lovidicus. Healthy.

In Topic: Case Files

12 July 2007 - 01:53 PM

Heres three more case files.
I tried to make them go together; being the case files derived from the illegal activities of a young Nord man.
Though i've only made three as of yet, I'm thinking of making a few more, to add some meat to the bones.

Case file LIII, 3E 299

Subject: Svarldbardsson, Olaf
Sentence: One-and-a-half day

Description: Olaf Svarldbardsson, a Nordic male of age 18, was found sleeping in a water trough in Skingrad, holding a Imperial Legion boot in his hand, using it as a mead mug.
He has been sentenced to one-and-a-half day of imprisonment in detention, however, should his state of health not improve, a Cleric should be called and his sentence prolonged.

Diet: No solid, nor liquid, food. A jug of water.

Subjects status: Imprisonend, alive. Unhealthy, vomiting, headache.

Praise the Nine Divines for their Just Law and Order.

Case file I, 3E 300

Subject: Svarlbardsson, Olaf
Sentence: Three days imprisonment, with half an hour of strappado a day.

Description: Olaf Svarldbardsson, a Nordic male of age 18, was involved in a bar fight in Whiterun. Two Khajiiti where brutally beaten during the fight; one broke his spine and knee calfs, the other was knocked unconsious while being thrown out of a window from the second store.
However, when law enforcements arrived, Olaf found it fitting to steal the boot of one of the legion guards, and broke the jaw of Lt. Hieronimus Scipio.
Eyewitness? claims, that during the fight, he yelled about Wild Elves chasing and surrounding him.
Since the Wild Elves are extinct, it might signal mental unstabillity.

Diet: A quarter of bread and a jug of water.

Subjects status: Imprisoned, Alive. Physically healthy, with possible mental unstabillity.

Case File LXV, 3E 300

Subject: Svarlbardsson, Olaf.
Sentence: Five days of imprisonment with one hour of strappado a day. After the five days, proceed to Drawn, Hanged and Quartered, and at last the head should be gibbeted.

Description: Olaf Svarlbardsson, a nordic male of age 19, went berserk in a little village, Brejning, south of Whiterun. The few survivors claims, that he reached the village at the break of dawn, dressed in old, rusty armor, a bearded axe and a haunted look in his eyes.
Suddenly, he went amok and beheaded two men without as much as breaking a sweat. Before the villagers had armed themselves, two more lay dead or bleeding fataly. In the end, he managed to kill ten villagers, before he fled into the nearby woods.
Legion investigators found him asleep in a barn, with five farmhands lying dead, beheaded in their sleep.
While being brought to the local magister, he babbled about having only killed Daedra and Wild Elves. It seems he drank a mystical sap, wich turned the young man insane.

In Topic: Case Files

07 June 2007 - 10:00 AM


Sorry for being away for all that time, but I'm having my examens now. Forgot to say that :/
However, after the 27th of June, i should be over with all, and then I'll start writing a bit more.

See ya then!

Lloyd DeVirr