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Member Since 11 May 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2011 10:31 AM

Topics I've Started

Attention: BiGWorld BatchFile Problem in Languages

15 September 2008 - 06:08 PM

Ok, I found two problems in the install batch file concerning language setting for two different mods.  The First one is in the DSotSC  in both the normal install and the expert, the second is in the Thalantyrs upgrade mode in both of the files.  

in the DSotSC section  of the English Bat file reads:

if exist Setup-DSotSC.exe	Setup-DSotSC.exe	--language	1	--skip-at-view	--force-install-list	0	 | %MTEE%

    This is for the Castillian Spanish language, not the English language.

It should read for the English language translation:

if exist Setup-DSotSC.exe	Setup-DSotSC.exe	--language	0	--skip-at-view	--force-install-list	0	 | %MTEE%

In the Thalantyrs Upgrade section, both batch files read:

if exist Setup-thalan.exe	Setup-thalan.exe	--language	1	--skip-at-view	--force-install-list	0	 | %MTEE%

This brings up the french translation, not the english.

For the English translation it should read:
if exist Setup-thalan.exe	Setup-thalan.exe	--language	2	--skip-at-view	--force-install-list	0	 | %MTEE%

I managed to catch the one for Thalantyr on my second install of the Big World setup but I missed the one for DSotSC.    I used both the Mid and End Biff.  I need to know if there is a way to change the Spanish language to the english language in DSotSC with out doing another install?  Or am I hosed?


Which 2da file handles what race gets a straight class

06 September 2008 - 09:32 PM

I need to know which 2da file would handle plain classes for races. I am looking to try modding my game so that I can have a half-orc Mage or Mage/thief. I have been told that it is in a 2da file, yet I cannot seem to find the thing. Anybody know?


Half Orc Mage or Mage/thief? Is it possible?

06 September 2008 - 08:30 PM

I would like to know if the possibility of adding Mage to the Half Orc race is a possibility. I like the half orc race, but I also like the mage class. I know that many Half Orcs are supposed to be dumb, but come on, I mean not all are that dumb. Is the no mage for a half-orc hard coded, or is it just the 2da files that need to be changed?


BGT stuck copying file - What can I do

04 September 2008 - 01:25 PM

I don't know if this is a BGT prob or a prob with the BigWorld. But when I get to the point where BGT is supposed to start installing, then it stalls. I see the message:

Copying 1 file
Copying 1 file
patching... etc...

then is shows

Copying 1 file

and nothing more.

I decided to let it go for a while in case it was a large file that was being copied. three and a half hours later it had not changed. Does anybody know if there is a fix for this, or is it a known problem. I am using BGT 1.6 and need to know if there is a solution. I will dup this message in the Mega install section JIC it is a BigWorld prob. Please help me.


need advice - Linux and Mods - work? which Version?

11 April 2008 - 09:28 PM

I am seriously considering redoing my system and installing Linux.  I have heard that with Wine, I can play BG, BG2, plus expansions.  I am trying to find out if anybody has a Linux box with the games on it, and does a mega-install work on it?
Also, what distros of Linux do you use (Red-Hat, Debian, GNU, Ubuntu, Kabuntu)  as well as what version of Wine?  I am asking these questions to find out which I should use.  I already have a Ubuntu 7.10 burnt onto a CDR, but are there any others that I should look into?  Please help me?
