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Member Since 11 May 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2011 10:31 AM

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In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v5.5.2

19 November 2008 - 09:41 PM

Also, when I installed the english version of BWP, I noticed that the Thalantyr Item Upgrade Mod inside the game is in French, I assume changing the 1 to a 2 would change it to english in the installer? I noticed that this wasn't changed with the new 5.5.1 install either.

[codebox]%IFES%thalan%S%thalan%L%1%SK% 0 | %M%
%IFGS%thalan%S%thalan%L%3%SK% 0 | %M%[/codebox]

EDIT: Nevermind, new(Mike) already pointed it out

Also would the new updated fixpack work with BWP 5.5? My saved games are 5.5 so I don't want to start over again with a new game in 5.5.1, but then again, I would like to take advantage of the new fixes.

Thanks in advance.

I also pointed this out in another thread here. And I pointed out the fact that NTotSC was being installed in castillian spanish, but that had been fixed.


In Topic: Attention: BiGWorld BatchFile Problem in Languages

17 September 2008 - 01:09 PM

Wow 12 hours  :blink:
Why don't you use that batch file. 3-4 hours and you're through!


Marvin, that is with the batch file.  Before I started to use the BigWorld batchfile to install the megamod, it would take upwards of 36 hours off and on again.  My system takes a long time to install the mega install, but it plays it just fine, very little lag.  

Pent III  1 gigahertz 384 megs ram, 60 g9g main HD, secondary HD (Western Digital External) 80 gig,  AGP Invidia 6900 Vid card with 256 megs of ram, Windog XP with the Page file set to a static 5 gig per drive.  

Of course things will really fly when I get a job and can upgrade this 8 year old system to a P4 3.2 + gig system :rolleyes: But that is for the future.  First I need a job.   :unsure:  Right now here in Chicago, jobs are almost as hard to find as an honest politician.  I will continue to install and hope.


In Topic: Attention: BiGWorld BatchFile Problem in Languages

17 September 2008 - 06:59 AM

I am assuming that I am hosed here.  I will do another install, since I do not understand a word of spanish.  Luckily for me, the addition of a Western Digital 800BB external 80 gig HD will mean that this install will only take about 12 to 13 hours instead of the normal 30+ that I would if I were not using the BigWorld BatchFile method.  My thanks to all who worked on this project.


In Topic: New BiG World Fixpack v6 available!

12 September 2008 - 02:31 PM

Ok, I think I found a bug in the batch file...

if exist Setup-thalan.exe	Setup-thalan.exe	--language	1	--skip-at-view	--force-install-list	0	 | %MTEE%

is pointing to the wrong language in both the normal and expert version. It is using the french trans. It should read

if exist Setup-thalan.exe	Setup-thalan.exe	--language	2	--skip-at-view	--force-install-list	0	 | %MTEE%

To do the mod in english. This is a simple matter to load up the batchfile, use the search function, and alter one number. I just though that you should know. The proper language is referred to in the PDF, just not the batch file.


In Topic: Which 2da file handles what race gets a straight class

07 September 2008 - 10:07 AM

I think it is hardcoded, but it is feasable to make a half-orc whatever and use ShadowKeeper to change the class.


Hmmmm, this is odd. leahnkain is of the opinion that it is a 2da file.
