This is/will be fixed in 1.78. It will no longer change her name. Before it never changed the names of any of the named Guard Captains in-game - I just missed this one NPC because she isn't specifically in the Guard class.I tried your new version. It works nice, for as far as i've encountered the optional changes rgo makes and i've just played it for another 10 hours. But the only thing i found strange is that the guard naming system changed the name of the draconis family member who is a member of the leyawiin guards (isabella draconis???). i turned it off, not trying what would happen with hyronimous lex and all the other named captains.
Member Since 07 May 2007Offline Last Active Apr 13 2009 05:50 PM
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- Age 39 years old
- Birthday February 26, 1985
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In Topic: DM: Reneer's Guard Overhaul 1.79b
03 March 2008 - 02:03 AM
In Topic: DM: Reneer's Guard Overhaul 1.79b
05 February 2008 - 12:11 AM
Thanks for the oh-so-constructive criticism. Download the latest version.Hey reneer, i got a remark. I had to disable your mod, no offense, but when walking too close to people they started screaming pickpocket guard your purses and stuff. you never know when a guard might see ghosts and start harassing you altho i didn't do crime. you have to commit crime tho to get rid of the guards . configuration ring resetting bounty even stopped working. The paying off fines with thiefs guild doyens just don't work. i see a message saying the "correct" amount of bounty, but i cannot choose to pay them off.
i'm using fcom and a huge list of other small mods, but thiefs arsenal doesn't change these scripts. also Reneers is loaded last. So i hope you know all this and if you do:"what a mess". Clean up, cuz i'm back to no psychich guards and regional bounty untill your mod works.
In Topic: DM: Reneer's Guard Overhaul 1.79b
27 November 2007 - 11:18 PM
In Topic: DM: Reneer's Gold Mod 1.2
03 October 2007 - 08:58 AM
No, that is how the mod is supposed to work. In order to reflect the changes in MenuMode, I need to remove the gold from the player's inventory. To drop the gold, it needs to be in the player's inventory, so I need to add it back. I've come up with a solution that, while unwieldy, will remove all the message problems.About message spam. When you upload a new v. I'll try just removing all the Message " " except the one's for the adjusting of Weight rings - since that is the only message I get now when I've removed all the others.
I guess the adding back of gold in gamemode is a failsafe - but for me it even adds back gold when using your "drop gold" from within the Inventory menu; guess you forgot to add that menumode to the list of menus to support?
Keep up the good work
In Topic: DM: Reneer's Gold Mod 1.2
03 October 2007 - 05:26 AM
It still is messing with the messagebox system? Ugh... I thought the latest implementation would fix it. I even made sure to throughly test it this time...Update on using 0.96v
Works with withdrawing and depositing money in Bank (never noticed any problem before, but I wasn't paying attention so...)
Still have to remove message " " to get other messages displayed. I have no idea why this is so. I am using Prometheus Governing Attributes and he uses the same technique, adding and removing 10-50 messages at a time without hick ups.
I've modified Midas Magic to cost money when casting certain spells (remove player.gold001 scripting) and that get instantly added back. First I thought it was some issue with using it in scripts but the same thing happens when dropping gold, get added back. Boy, wish it worked the same way in my world, quick way to get rich
And the dropping / adding gold issue is because you are trying to drop / add gold directly in GameMode, which currently isn't supported by the mod without going through a menu first. I'll figure out a way to make it work for 0.97.
- Spellhold Studios
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