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Justyn Kase

Member Since 04 Feb 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 20 2007 03:03 AM

Topics I've Started

Returning to The Realms

04 February 2007 - 02:04 AM

Greetings all.

Since this is my first post in the forums (after spending four days looking around), I've decided it was high time I asked for ideas and suggestions for BGII.

I haven't played it in a very long time... and my skills with modding, scripting, and somesuch are practically non-existent, so it would greatly help if someone held my hand and gave me some advice.

I'm currently deployed in Iraq (3rd time!!! WOO HOO!!!), and got the old bug of wanting to play BGII again in me (it also helped that Amazon.com was selling the series for 10 bucks).  So I've looked up mods and such, trying to figure out what's best to play... but I have no idea what is going to screw up my game entirely.

What do people recommend I install?  What quests are the best?  Will too many NPC mods screw up one another, causing a cataclysmic crash of blue-screen of death proportions?  If I throw in all kinds of quests, will my whole life be deemed worthless when none of them work because of conflicts?

Also, sometimes I'm looking at the big down-loadable mods and I can't tell if they're going to rewrite the whole game or not.  I don't want that to happen yet  -_- , since I'm starting all over again from the beginning.  

So if anyone can give me pointers, and possibly a good guide of what to put on and not to put on (such as a limit to how many NPCs I should put on... especially since I'm a fan of hordes of selectable people), please let me know.

Thanks to all, and may the Bhaalspawn not eat you (unless you're into that kind of thing, sickos).

Justyn Kase

PS: Deviant is my name-sake?  Gods, I feel so unloved with that.