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Member Since 02 Feb 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2010 09:35 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Darkest Day 1.12 forum/thread

13 April 2010 - 11:57 PM

Hey Hoppy,

I noticed that recent TDD v1.13 found here at SHS is just a hair different than the one found at BWL (which includes a newer .spl file). So which one is the correct/current version?

Thank you,

In Topic: * Old versions of Classic Adventures *

11 April 2010 - 10:50 AM

As for pre-NeJ legacy, I'm afraid I was a bit too optimistic about having Travelers in Time ( :crying: ), but I do have Spine of the World v.1.6 as well as an assortment of older Nej versions (1.1 - 1.3, 6.5 - 6.6), let me know if you want any :)

Hey Creepin,

Thank you so much for the reply! :D

I am very interested in your copy of Spine of the World v1.6. Was that the last version before it was added to NeJ? I don't know how big it is, but if it is more than about 10MB, you may want to upload it somewhere for download. Else, PM me and I can send you my e-mail address.

As far as old versions of NeJ go, that's one of the few mods I don't collect, because of its' large size and many, many, many versions and sub-versions that don't seem to have a logical progression or path. Unless you or someone else can enlighten me, I think I will pass on NeJ.

Too bad about Travelers in Time, but oh well... thanks for looking! ;)

BTW, do you by chance have an old copy of Wheel of Time for BG1 hanging around somewhere?

Thank you,

In Topic: Check the Bodies v1.12a

22 March 2010 - 09:43 PM

Hey Hoppy,

I'm not sure if I found a problem in the CtBv1.12a I downloaded from BWL or not, but it appears that only two files are different from the CtBv1.12 I downloaded from SHS at the end of December 2009 and they are both older:

.\ctb\creature\translate\cb3547bl.cre is different (CtBv1.12 is more recent)
.\ctb\creature\translate\cbmalr5a.cre is different (CtBv1.12 is more recent)

Is CtBv1.12a truely a newer, updated version?

Thank you,

In Topic: Check the Bodies v1.12a

21 March 2010 - 10:51 PM

Hey Hoppy,

Thank you for all the info and updates!! :)

I have been pretty busy being a dad and was not aware that you are taking care of business. Good job by the way!

Just let me know if there is anything I can find for you. ;)


In Topic: * Old versions of Classic Adventures *

21 March 2010 - 09:21 PM

Hey Guys,

Thank you for all your effort... I know this is kind of a pain. :wacko:

Hey Sam,

Thanks for the links, but I'll already found both of those. ;)

I sure hope you guys will be able to find something. :)

I remember role-playing and DM'ing most of the modules in CA when I starting playing D&D and AD&D way back in 1980 (boy, do I feel old...lol). :woot:
