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Member Since 24 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active May 19 2010 07:49 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Component 2

09 May 2008 - 06:33 AM

That's true melkor_morgoth75 for the BG1 side of things but there are some travel errors on the BG2 side for the revised travel times. In BG2 I"ve run across (repeatedly) problems reaching Umar hills. If you CLUA console to Umar hills then travel to the temple area for the Umar hills quest and return to Umar hills then you can travel to Umar hills from anywhere but if you don't go to the temple area and just leave umar hills you still have to clua console yourself back there. The link to Umar hills from the gate district seems to be missing and is instead tied to the temple area for the Umar hills quest. I had little or no problems with the Original travel times component in both BG1 and 2. But had several such problems with the revised component, Mir Forest seems to be another travel problem with the revised.

In Topic: Bonehill Crash

16 April 2008 - 02:11 PM

you may want to try this question over on the tutu boards as it may be tutu related and not bonehill specific. I've seen posts there about ctd's when entering areas so perhaps this is one of them. the forum is here:

In Topic: Nadalin?

01 April 2008 - 03:11 PM


Nadalin should spawn at 3882.2743 (CTRL + X will get the current mouse position) on the dock leading to the low lantern. There are no requirements for him to spawn but to get the correct dialog with him to get his quest you need a reputation of 13 or better. You can try SetGlobal("NTotSCSpawn","AR8100",0) to force him to spawn.

In Topic: Slowdown

31 March 2008 - 09:45 PM

try backing down your video setting to the standard 800x600 with 30fps. If that helps run the BG config utility and set your video setting on the slider bar to low end video. If this clears the problem then it's not game related its your video that's unable to process the game at the resolution you're using.

In Topic: Planar Sphere Mod review

31 March 2008 - 09:15 AM

Like it? LIKE IT? I LOVE it !!!!!!!!!!!!! Great mod and one of my staples from now on :D