Hey guys.
I have this annoying problem - i've recently decided to do the BGT Mega-Install. All went fine, i start a new game, and notice that all polish letters are screwed up. (yeah, both my bg's are polish versions)
Well, not "screwed up", more like replaced with other letters. I wanted to get to the root of the problem, and first thing that came to my mind was checking out the dialog.tlk file. So i did, and i noticed that only the text imported by BGT from my BG1 was "corrupted". I cut out the "corrupted" text, and fixed it. But when i try to run the game with the modified file it crashes. I guess it's due to some checksum error, or, more likely, i screw up some dialogue strings when i manually modify the text.
Anyway, the question is - what do i need to do to apply the changes i made and do it so the game won't choke up on them? I tried toying with various weidu options, but couldn't figure it out, it's black magic for me.
Someone please help me. Pretty please, with sugar on top.
Member Since 20 May 2006Offline Last Active Sep 03 2006 03:36 PM