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Member Since 23 Aug 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 21 2007 02:56 PM

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In Topic: Flirt Ideas

02 December 2006 - 12:30 PM

When visiting the Five Flagons some possible banters might include her scolding if the PC samples the enormous selection available. It is far more likely that she would scold drinking than that she would end up drunk as an earlier post suggested.
The PC might convince her to sample one of the inn's offerings, either to celebrate a recent success or because her friend, the innkeeper, has offered. A mellow Mazzy might warm up a bit, saying something maudlin, or giddy.
A visit to the Five Flagons might involve her suggesting taking in the show downstairs, and holding hands and cheerfully anticipating a "real date". Non romance comments might concern helping get rid of the planar portal under her friends business.

:cheers: She May be short but look at her Con stat, she aint arei ya know would be better if she drank the Pc under the table and then gave a lecture on moderation.

In Topic: Flirt Ideas

29 November 2006 - 07:42 PM

Hey One of My favroit parts of BG@ is when you get Ambushed and you get the choice to take the hit for Jaheria dont suppose there is anyway to work that in to this?

In Topic: Flirt Ideas

28 November 2006 - 07:25 PM

Hey How Graphic or Detailed of Inuendo can these be? :huh:
I mean
The Pc Asking her "What her Mount would Be like?" and her giving a serious answear sort of like the Griffon Mount she mentioned to Arie. Then he says "she Should spare a noble beast and ride a Baahlspawn." which results in her retorting laughing or responding in some way depending on what the relationship is like. :cheers:

On her side she can walk up close and make some comment in a low whisper "about being very glad she can hanel two handed weaponry" :lol:

In Topic: Flirt Ideas

18 November 2006 - 07:34 AM

:crying: What that's it no one else has any good ideas?

In Topic: Flirt Ideas

16 October 2006 - 06:30 PM

<_< both Mazy and the PC are seasoned adventureers so how about Mazzy give the pc a "good game" slap on
the butt after they are heavy with her hand slightyly lingering. She is a truesword hopeful not a vestigal virgin afterall. and when the flames are truly raging maybe a clumsy innuendo about sowrd or spears. such as "Comon (pc name) if you could handle your blade as you did your weapon last night I would not need to lay hands so often ..... Or was that your idea all along?"