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Member Since 25 May 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 06 2009 03:59 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Bug Report Thread

02 February 2006 - 10:02 PM

Ok, Edwin has just become Edwina - but she isn't a memebr of my group anymore. She in the list on the right hand side still but her circle is now white not green and when I have my whole group highlighted she inst in it. I've walked away from her and i've slept repeatedly but she just wont come back to my party. =( Any idea whats going on?

Yes, that's quite a common occurence, it seems  :)  Check my message here for the solution.

In Topic: Stuck with Edwina transformation.

30 January 2006 - 04:52 AM

I travelled to the keep, and on the way Edwin began his Nether Scroll dialog. It went ok, and he transformed into a woman, but now is stuck. He won't move, and when I try to talk to him he keeps on looping on the same dialog, saying he's a great conjuror and he'll fix it with an enhanced memory spell. This repeats over and over again...

I have had this problem as well, and it definitely has nothing to do with other mods, because I had none. :) There's a trick: kick Edwina out of the party with Ctrl+k, then talk to her (she has 2 dialogues, so do it twice), then have her join the party again with Ctrl+q. Now she should be alright.

In Topic: Is there a current flirt pack for Eddie ready?

29 January 2006 - 10:26 AM

A shame. But then again, it means that I still have some time to finish amending the Russian translation  :P  
*i'm quite a lazybone, working that slow, that's what I am*

In Topic: Degardan Mini FAQ

18 January 2006 - 08:12 PM

Okay, Question! Everytime I try to Clua him in the game says "Error File Degardan does not exist". Am I doing it right? I am typing CreateCreature("Degardan") into the Clua Consol.

It should be this:
Hope it works.

In Topic: Starting a FAQ...

18 January 2006 - 07:57 PM

Hey, I wantd to ask about the Bodhi turning your lover part. Usually, when that happens I remov my love interest from the party and get them back after the first encounter, can I do this with Edwin or will it destroy what you;ve done or mess up the mod? Can I still use my back door? :wacko:

Suppose you can do that, the abduction thing has nothing to do with the lovetalk sequence, as far as I understand. :)

I don't remember, though, if you can kick Eddie out of the party without screwing up the romance, please check the readme file. Anyways, you can always use the console to restore your romance: CLUAConsole:("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)