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Origami Samurai

Member Since 21 May 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 17 2006 08:47 AM

Topics I've Started

Meandering around

30 October 2005 - 06:47 AM

How do you script a character ingame to wonder around as the villagers do?

Shield question

22 July 2005 - 05:22 AM

Aside from internal kit values, whats the best manner of disabling shield usage when coding a kit?

Kit creation questions

17 July 2005 - 04:40 AM

With the generic paladin kit having access to priest spells, is this hard coded/decided by the kits unique identifier?  If not, whats the best manner of giving a paladin kit access to basic druid spells rather then clerical ones?  I'm keen to avoid CLAB editing for this if possible.

Is it best to apply a negative value for magic resistances via Weidu byte editing or by .eff files?  I'm in for weidu editing over .eff files but thoughts are valued.