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Member Since 09 May 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 15 2006 11:14 AM

Topics I've Started

protection form Impridsoment spell?

26 January 2006 - 05:31 AM

How the heck do you protect yourself from the imprisoment spell :angry: Man that thing is anoying, I never been able to kill the Demileech from Wacher's Keep, because he zapped al my party away.....
By the way does enybody know why can't you resurect your main caracter, I mean it's just stupid that you die if a beholder turns you into stone, what is so difiucult in beeing zapped back by one of your partymembers?????

some bugs in Bp+BGT

23 January 2006 - 11:45 PM

I encountered a bug on Baldurans Island. In the caves right before I reach the exit the game crashes(I reinstalled the whole thig and it happened again), so I had to teleport myself with ctrl-J to the exit :P . Now the seccond bug or glich(I think) is in NEJ. After I came back with the heartstone gem, and the willage was under attasck the wilagers also attacked my group too, then when I talked with the druid  and wanted to go through the portal... well nothing happened   :wall: . A and one question how the hell can I find the hidden elven fortres, or were can I find a NEJ walktrough???   :crying:

My kingdom For a horse

10 May 2005 - 10:09 PM

I always asked my self why the heroes o the Forgotten Realm go everywere on foot. Why can't they ride a horse, a cow anything :) . Can someone of you guys make a mod with horsriding incorporated? Or is this beyond the limit of the infinity engine

Weidu compatibylity

10 May 2005 - 01:31 AM

I'v installed TDD(latest version) and SoS(latest version). Now, when I tried to visit the new areas from TDD the game crashed.!!! :bash: Shoulden't WEIDU mods be compatible, and is there any way to fix this bug?
Sorry if i posted on the wrong forum(actualy this si my first time on a forum ever so please cut me some salck :D ). A, and hope my spelling isn't tobad