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Member Since 09 Mar 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 22 2006 09:44 PM

Topics I've Started

Horred you still out there?

29 April 2006 - 05:56 AM

Hi horred,

no idea if your around any longer, ive been gone forever work RL crap, i have just and i mean just installed version 11, love it had no problems installing and its running smooth for myself and RL friends.

I have a question though, i may just be an idiot doing somthing wrong(very possible) :wacko:
I cannot for the life of me get crafting to work, i went into the scripts to see some recipes to do a test run(make sure everything is ready to go), purchased needed items and attempted to make a shovel, had the tool making hammer, used the tinker machine the dialogue starts as in

window pops open asks what i want to craft..... but then only lists this option

What would you like to craft...

1. Exit

Well LMAO,
i installed completely 2 times on my laptop and then my tower
my lap top had all tables in the DB

low and behold there was NO cnr_misc tables in the tower i have no idea how that happened pretty strange anyway if you read thie Horred i figured out the problem crafting is a big GO!!!!!

thats it nothing more no other options

well if your around hope to here from you as i really enjoy what youve done and for myself and friends the crafting aspect is very enjoyable to us

Take care
