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Member Since 01 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 12 2016 02:34 AM

Topics I've Started


12 October 2016 - 04:32 PM

So here we are in Chapter 965484 of trying to mess around with Specialist Mages! (Since everybody and their grandma has already run into issues while modding Specialists.)

This is a screenshot from EE 2.3: https://s18.postimg....4p/Baldr002.jpg

To be frank, I don't even know if what says in the description actually works, didn't find a quick/sure way to verify.

But assuming it does...


I'm trying to mess around with the saving throws scheme, to be more specific, I would need to know that if by changing a spell to use a different save (for example instead of spells, to save death/wand/poly or breath), this change is automatically accounted or completely ignored by the singular bonuses/penalties that Specialist apply to their selected school of magic.

It would also be interesting to know how Specialists accomplish the specific penalty (when casting offensive) and bonus (when resisting) that they apply to their specific school of magic.

I tried casting some spells with a specialist and a regular mage, but the log doesn't show squat. Tried looking at my CHARNAME cre in Near Infinity, again nothing. This means I need people more smart and resourceful than me, which resumes to anybody in this forum LOL :)

So to find clues and investigate this case I summon ye!

Err... help me if you guys(and gals??) can spare some time or are interested in the matter :DD

Disabling off-hand slot via temp effect

22 September 2016 - 02:00 PM


So, I've a weapon that needs to fall under single-weapon style category, and can only be used as stand-alone, rendering impossible the equipping of a shield or an off-hand weapon to be used together with it.

Anyone knows of a way to accomplish this?¿ I've checked some stuff but can't find a way to  :crying: 

Tnks for any help!  :hug: 


Can a Bard Song go through wall (or corner)?

18 September 2016 - 05:05 PM

Heya all again! :)

Trying to 'fix' some bard classes as well as making a new kit, anyway, it seems the Bard Songs will not effect allies (or enemies in Jester case) unless they have visual contact with the Bard when he/she is performing.


Does anyone know if theres any selection for the field "projectile animation" (I'm seeing it on DLTCEP) that causes the effects to ignore visual obstruction?


(Affecting enemies through walls is problematic, but for allies it should be no problem. Would be great for enemies as well if there was a "pathfinding check option", to prevent affecting enemies beyond a certain range in foot/moving distance, because its pretty stupid for enemies to be protected from a song effect when they're around a corner, virtually a few feet away from the Bard, just not within visual range.)

Weapon Style proficiency to add extra attacks?

03 September 2016 - 11:53 PM

Is there any way to make the weapon styles (single weapon, sword&shield, dual wielding and two-handed weapons) grant a half attack per round?

I don't remember this being possible since there isn't an APR modifier column in stylbonu.2da, but then it might have become possible with some new changes from EE or some extra moding functionality that I don't know if it exists or not (hence why I'm asking).

Anyway, thanks for any help and tips! =]