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Member Since 15 Dec 2004
Offline Last Active Feb 04 2005 11:06 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Where's the Mask?

15 January 2005 - 03:51 PM

That question is pretty much explained by the text file in your LR directory.
(Section III and VIII.)

In Topic: Dialogs not appearing

14 January 2005 - 10:33 AM

Hmm... I don't know what caused the problem, but I've found the means to solve it now.
There was nothing wrong with the *.d file, but for some reason the setup imported the one from Ascension instead of LR. It was probably caused by some bad Ascension install I did earlier... The WeiDU log dosn't show anything wrong though.

I've used DLTCEP to import the JONEL25J.d file from LR, and now it's working perfectly.

In Topic: Dialogs not appearing

13 January 2005 - 02:45 PM

During the Gromnir encounter, just after Melissan leaves and he talks to the party, my game crashes. So I took a look at Gromnir's dialog file, and discovered the node:

External link: JONEL25J.dlg (block:246)

But that dosn't exist in JONEL25J.dlg

Did I get somekind of corrupted JONEL25J.dlg file? Or did someone just forget to include that piece of dialog.

First time I got this was when I installed LR V 1.4.2, and I still got it after updating to V 1.4.3.

Edit: Btw, I don't know much about WeiDu, but LR is the last Mod I've installed,
so it should pretty much ignore any previous mods that could interfere, right?

In Topic: Planar Sphere Mod (VERY OLD POST Please use a newer one -Duality)

09 January 2005 - 06:29 AM

Well, I must say I like the planar sphere mod very much... but!

The Main Plot... how should I put it?... Dosn't fit in...
It pretty much ruins the rest of the game.
When I finally found the solution to beating the bad guy, I was stuck in his prison thingy.
So I Clua'ed myself out, and found everything was a mess. A lot of quest characters has been killed, and several of the most powerfull creatures on Faerūn.

And that takes me to my question:
Did I miss some kind of ending here? I thought Lord Ao or someone like him, was going to fix all the damage (Not to mention, get you out of that prison thingy).

In Topic: Chosen One vs Nameless One?

16 December 2004 - 09:14 PM

If the nameless one took a rocket blast to the chest, it blows him up, scattering little pieces of him Dawn of the Dead style all over the place, how is he going to get up again?

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Well! If he was just blown to pieces he would regenerate.

But I doubt a rocket blast would be enough to blow up TNO (Not my Incarnation of him at least...).
And the rocket needs to hit him in the first place, before it can do any damage. Considering his godlike dex and his magical powers, that would prove tricky.