In general, I have a pretty high-end machine, but I'm concerned that the game doesn't seem to move as fast as it should, which I think is due to the graphics card I'm using.
When I say the game isn't moving fast, I mean the action of the characters, whether it's running from A to B or in combat, they're slow and a bit juddery. In the lowest possible graphics/texture detail, the game runs ok, but I'd like more than just ok and to fully appreciate the game

I'm using my pc's default Intel G45/43 express Chipset, which is sort of ok, but I'm looking to improve on that.
I have 4GB RAM plus another 4GB by virtue or Readyboost, the processors are powerful enough, so I'm thinking it's the graphics card.
Opinions and suggestions for an improved card (for a W7 6x bit) please? I'm considering this one and it's stretching my budget to max, but it could be worth it.