Shining Light
Member Since 22 Nov 2004Offline Last Active Dec 02 2011 09:02 AM
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- Member Title Shining Light and the Rise of Smileyface
- Age 34 years old
- Birthday June 3, 1990
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In Topic: A question about the graphics and the required video card
13 October 2010 - 07:49 AM
Ok, apparently the graphics card requires a higher wattage from the pc's power supply than is currently supplied. That's on hold until I've procured a more powerful one.
In Topic: A question about the graphics and the required video card
26 August 2010 - 02:44 AM
Well, my monitor is able to support up to the 1900x1200, which probably is maxing it out a little bit, but I'd like something that's close to 1900x1080, with the graphic settings pretty high.
The card's also for future use, if any game I get in the future happens to rquire something relatively powerful, I'd like something able to support it.
As for the processors, I have quad cores 2.5 GHz so that seems to be fine. I think.
Darziak - I'll take a look, thanks
Thanks for the help, guys
The card's also for future use, if any game I get in the future happens to rquire something relatively powerful, I'd like something able to support it.
As for the processors, I have quad cores 2.5 GHz so that seems to be fine. I think.

Darziak - I'll take a look, thanks

Thanks for the help, guys

- Spellhold Studios
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