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Gothic Rose

Member Since 17 Nov 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 10 2005 11:55 AM

Topics I've Started


03 March 2005 - 01:07 AM

Was wondering, has anyone thought of doing an Anishai mod?  Anishai is a shadow thief (an assassin, I think) in Mae'Var's guildhouse.  She never struck me as being particularly...bad, I guess you'd say.  I always go through pains to avoid killing her :P  

I think she could be done well as an NPC...

Easy Way to find out what Mods are Installed?

27 February 2005 - 03:55 AM

Hey all.  Is there an easy way to find out what mods are installed in your BG2 game?  I'm wondering because, well, I've been kinda collecting and adding a lot of mods as I went along, and this has become a bit of a problem :P  If there's an easy way to find out, that would help me a lot, because I'm having a slight problem with my BG2 SOA game, but I'd like a list of all the mods installed before complaining about it...


21 December 2004 - 11:36 PM

So, right.  I just got NWN Platinum Edition.  And although I can load up the original NWN official campaign just dandily, whenever I try to load SoU OC, it starts to unpack the module, the music starts skipping, and I have to Ctrl+Alt+Del.

Whenever I try to play HotU OC, it unpacks fine, I choose a character, it starts to load the first area, gets most of the way there, then stops, and I get a windows message saying: "Neverwinter Nights has encountered a problem...."  

The HotU thing also happens whenever I try to go onto Multiplayer servers.

Any idea what might be with this?

DLTCP Question

16 December 2004 - 03:29 PM

I've been trying to figure out how to use DLTCP, but whenever I load it, I get the following messages:

There was an error while processing the effect descriptions.

Can't load MORALEAI.ids!

action.ids is wrong, actions won't be resolved.

It then opens.  What does all of this mean?  I know that whenever I try to add effects to new items, all of the effects are listed as "unknown."

Any help would be appreciated.


01 December 2004 - 03:06 AM

Hrmph.  I'm trying to put together a simple NPC, just to learn me how, but I cannot get it right, apparently, no matter what I do, WeiDU hates me.  I keep getting this message:

[GrimTheNPC\SW#Grim.d] PARSE ERROR at line 30 column 1-2
Near Text: IF
            syntax error

[GrimTheNPC\SW#Grim.d]  ERROR at line 30 column 1-2
Near Text: IF
ERROR:  parsing [GrimTheNPC\SW#Grim.d]: Parsing.Parse_error

ERROR Installing [Grim the NPC for BG@:ToB], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 1 files for [SETUP-GRIMTHENPC.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled    1 files for  [SETUP-GRIMTHENPC.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error

No matter what I do, it's there.  I've tried deleting that line.  I've tried rewriting it.  All that is there is:


So basically, what it comes down to is me, being an utter newb to anything and everything code-like, being stumped.  IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Gosh, I could use some help here...maybe someone will reply, and make the pain go away?~ DO ~Cry~