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Gothic Rose

Member Since 17 Nov 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 10 2005 11:55 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Saerileth Romance Moc v1

07 March 2005 - 02:40 AM

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Saerlith!

I may have to put my Imoen Rom game on hold for this!

In Topic: Balors population

05 March 2005 - 04:24 AM

Yanno, thinking about it, I guess there would be quite a few, potentially - any wizard NPC with gate memorized has a balor potential. Not that I remember how many high level wizards there are, so I guess that doesn't really help much, neh?

In Topic: Anishai

03 March 2005 - 03:49 PM

It exists on Ashford City. The forum, along with several others including Sudar, Voehringer and Brage, are currently hidden.

She never struck me as being particularly...bad, I guess you'd say.

You sure? She struck me as a very very bad girl....

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I'm quite sure :P  

Thanks for the info, guys.

In Topic: Balors population

02 March 2005 - 03:48 PM

Belial is also described as a balor.

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Buh? Belial is an Arch-Duke of Hell, thus, a Baatezu. Not a Tanar'ri. Balors are Tanar'ri. (TECHNICALLY he isnt an Arch-Duke, he USED to be. His daughter, Fierna, rules in name, but Belial takes care of all matters of state and decisions.)

Thus, Belial cannot be a Balor. (He doesn't look like one, either. He's handsome, suave, and sexy. And he has a Ranseur for a weapon.)

In Topic: The evil party in Cania (spoilers)

28 February 2005 - 04:46 PM

I didnt have any problems with that battle. I was playing opposite of you PC-wise, though. Paladin 12/Champion of Torm 12, or something like that. Nathyrra, and Aribeth (paladinic aribeth).

I just charged in, smote the cleric, then the wizard, then mopped up. Geek the mages first, as they say in Shadowrun.