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Member Since 05 Nov 2004
Offline Last Active Dec 24 2004 02:00 AM

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In Topic: Yoshimo Romance?

13 December 2004 - 11:41 PM

I'd love to work on the romance. Though my writing skills might leave something to be desired (I've never really worked on a mod before), I could help brainstorm and contribute ideas for lovetalks as well as correct grammar and spelling.

Sadly, coding is completely foreign to me.

In Topic: Yoshimo Romance?

13 December 2004 - 11:46 AM

An idea of how he leaves and comes back. Bear with me it will be strange.
You join up with Yoshi in Jonnie's Dungeon. Once exiting you talk to Galean and perform your little quests. Romance goes and he begins to like you as a friend and slowly more, as you do more quests. After a while he decides going to Bodhi's guild is not the best option, and when offered he lets you know. You joi a guild and when finished with the quest prepare to go to Brynlaw. Upon reaching Brynlaw you have the little fight with Vamps, causing you to wonder a little about what Yoshi was talking about.

And things of course only get curiouser and curiouser when the party ventures into Perth the Adept's pad. Perth is the unstable mage whom the party has to kill to get the wardstone for the asylum and the book of infinite spells. Before you square off, Yoshimo seems to be quite fervent about trying to remind the mage why he shouldn't kill him. Something vaguely to the effect of "But...I am Yoshimo. You remember; Yoshimo? No, damn you!"

I'm surprised that the PC was not able to quiz the bounty hunter about this highly suspicious behaviour in the orginal exchange and I think a nice, calm "Yoshi... What the hell was THAT about?!" lover's exchange would be in order. Would be amusing to see how he tries to weasel his way out of that one. :rolleyes:

After entering Spellhold you find Immie and learn that Yoshi betrayed you. :crying:  You are bottled up :D and all that fight through spellhold. You beat the crap out of Jonnie, for what he did, and he escapes. Yoshi comes you have an emotional dialogue but are still forced to kill him.

Even though this would probably be extremely anguishing for the lovers (particularly for Yoshi) this is probably more realistic than hari-kiri and we wouldn't have to edit out the lovely "No! No redemptions, no second chances" sound clip.

You go through the rest of the game and get to your pp. You talk to the fate spirit, or even the deva could do it, and they find a way to resurrect Yoshi.

Not unlike the Tsujatha resurrection? Could work. Or perhaps an item known as Yoshimo's Corpse could be coded in, and then CHARNAME could cart it off to the Temple of Amanautor.

You go to Suldenesslar, and Yoshi leaves you for a while trying to do something. You go to fight Jonnie and when his hitpoints reach 0 Yoshi walks up and backstabs him, finishing him, you all go to the nine hells and proceed. Yoshi already has a dialogue for nine hells :D .

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I think Gothic Rose's idea of Kara-Turan guild business would be a good excuse for his absence.

And I like the backstabbing idea! :^^:

In Topic: Yoshimo Romance?

07 December 2004 - 10:37 PM

Kara-Turan honor. And that's the crux of this, really. I don't think Yoshimo was honorable - He was definitely NOT a Samurai. In Kara-Tur, he was probably a member of a thief's guild (Yeah, they have em too), and he was probably nothing more than a vicious bounty hunter. Certainly not evil, no. But not honorable, either.

Bounty Hunting has never been viewed as a particularly honorable profession. Lawmen don't like freelancers, criminals hate them, people fear them.

Plus, if Yoshimo had been honorable, and truly felt kinship with the party, then he would probably have committed Harikiri. But then, if he did that, then why betray Charname? He was AFRAID of dying. He wouldn't kill himself after ensuring his safety

Yoshi strikes me as having his own unique brand of "honor", really. Yes, he's fundamentally a survivalist. Perhaps even a bloody coward, given how many times he was the first to abandon ship during a failed morale check in battle. :P

He's not completely without a sense of Kara-Turan intregrity, though. His sense of duty towards family makes itself known when he mildly rebukes Anomen if he decides to let the courts deal with Sarrak, stating that he would not let a kinsman's death go unavenged. And he does seem to be truly bothered by his forced betrayal of the PC at Spellhold. If it wasn't for the geas, it is likely he might have mutinied against Jon.

That still doesn't answer my question of why he would get involved with someone knowing he was geased to kill them

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Can we be certain that he was specifically geased to do so?

As for why he would get involved with Charname, his rational mind would probably be opposed it to. Unfortunately for him, the details of his little errand for Irenicus requires him to be very close to his target. He eats and sleeps with the rest of the party, they fight battles together, tend each other's wounds. He also has to take measures to "befriend" the PC to earn her trust and extract information from her. It's also natural that he may start to develop a grudging admiration for her as well as feelings of attachment.

In Topic: Yoshimo Romance?

05 December 2004 - 10:45 PM

I never knew Tamoko and Yoshi were siblings. What would Sarevok say to Yoshi?

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Well, that would certainly make for some interesting conversation in ToB.   :ermm:  
I believe Charname would be forced to take the very volatile role of peacemaker if she chose to have her half-brother tag alone with the party.

In Topic: Bug Report Thread

05 December 2004 - 01:32 PM

*rubs temples*

I now have the working teleportation ring but every time Charname uses it, Eddie is the only one that gets teleported out, leaving the rest of the party trapped like rats.

Weird. Has anyone else experienced this?