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Member Since 02 Oct 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2009 12:59 PM

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In Topic: Installation problem - worldmap

18 October 2007 - 10:25 PM

You already installed the whole thing!!!!
There is nothing wrong in the WeiDU.Log

The way I see it, the mod is made so that you don't have to exit, and you see this as peculiar. But there is nothing wrong.

It's time for you to start the playing!!!!

There is something in there that isn't happy with worldmap. I tried another install with a very slimed down list...but used bits of everything I used earlier and the worldmap installed fine. I should be able to find the problem mod with a little effort

In Topic: Installation problem - worldmap

18 October 2007 - 12:03 AM

Tried again with a few different options, but same result. Used a fresh Install of bg and bg2, so one (or more) of the mods I installed must be the culprit that isn't allowing me to install the travel times and visability portions of worldmap. Any ideas anyone? I can't really see anything in there that I haven't seen in other people's weidu.log's.

Thanks for any help