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Member Since 11 Sep 2004
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Posts I've Made

In Topic: Just Curious

13 February 2007 - 11:54 PM

Yes, I've played it, more times that I care to count. :)  I was an Alpha tester on this mod, so I played it over and over again.

I've just started another run through after a long break from the BG series and, so far, I'm enjoying it immensely (again).

This time, while enjoying the interplay between Kiyo and Kova, I'm also looking for any grammar errors, typos, etc that slipped between the cracks before this release.

In Topic: Valasse - a Dying NPC Mod

28 January 2007 - 08:30 AM

*goes to hunt out her missing BG2 disks*

(Errr .... new computer.)

In Topic: Valasse - a Dying NPC Mod

21 January 2007 - 06:55 AM

Valasse?  Zyraen, you got writers?  Hooray!!!!! :hug:

Those who are upset with the Valasse romance idea - things are DEFINITELY NOT what they seem.  I know something about this mod - in fact, I was supposed to be her voice.  If I could figure out how to change the extension on my filenames, I could have her pic as my avatar again.  No, I don't have a program that can do it, I just got a new computer and am still figuring things out.

Err ... this is Silk, btw, only there was a Silk registered here already, so I'm Myst.  Does that make sense?

PS: I don't have Messenger yet, I'm working on that, Zyraen.