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Member Since 07 Sep 2004
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2004 10:56 AM

Topics I've Started

my kit ideas

08 September 2004 - 10:40 AM

I'm interested in making new kits, and in giving old kits new possibilities, and I'm interested in your opinions.

I created a bard kit that can choose which song to sing (like IWD bards), with A LOT of songs, some gained after a quest, other at a certain level, and so on...

Today I finished a monk kit. it's a thief kit that has ALL the abilities and characteristics of a monk, with the possibility to dual-class. It's also usable by every race.

I'm planning to make a paladin/ranger multiclass kit, that follows D&D 3rd edition rules for the multiclassing, or an assassin/monk that follows the same rules.
(in 3rd edition, you can choose at each level up which class to improve)

I also made a shadowdancer, tempest and assassin kit, based on d&d 3rd edition.

what do you think about these ideas? any suggestion? as I said, I want to give new possibilities to the kits, not only new spells/abilities. :thumb: