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Member Since 17 Jul 2004
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2004 02:28 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: How would you treat a gay romance?

20 September 2004 - 07:26 PM

The topic asked me for my overall opinion on the matter, and I replied that it would be a gimmick, ala release a "controversial" mod to gain attention.

Re-Reading the Topic brings me to the point of doing and releasing what you truly wish to do and release, don't care about others opinions on the matter, as if they don't like it, then quite simply, they won't download it.

So, all power to your mod and such. ;)

In Topic: How would you treat a gay romance?

20 September 2004 - 06:55 PM

How would you treat a gay romance?, If it was optional?

As a gimmick.

In Topic: Mods that SHOULD be done

17 September 2004 - 08:01 AM

I took a look at your Samurai mod (it is a fighter kit right?) and, while I like the idea, it seems a little unbalanced (and badly worded, the readme could have been clearer). Also will there be a Weidu version? I'm trying to avoid non-Weidu mods since they have a tendency to screw something up in my game.

It IS WeiDU. O.o

In Topic: my kit ideas

13 September 2004 - 10:33 AM

I'll host mods for free, I just need a copy of your mod and I'll add it into the mods section and drop a link to the download. The page I have up for it is quite shabby, and most likely a temporary until the mainsite gets a mods section. The URL is also a little long until I can get a subdomain setup.

In Topic: my kit ideas

10 September 2004 - 07:12 PM

do you know a site where I can upload them? I asked to forgottenwars some time ago, but they haven't answered me... at the moment, I can mail the zip to you, if you want (200kb). but I can post the kit descriptions. I'll do this when I can.

I have lots of webspace, do you still need hosting?