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Vae Victus

Member Since 14 Jul 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 08 2009 12:15 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Change - Soundset (scripting question!)

09 September 2004 - 11:23 AM

Any updates?!

Thanks already.

In Topic: Change - Soundset (scripting question!)

30 August 2004 - 10:50 AM

The subtitles has been send to your E-mail adres.

I'm glad it was not that much work!   :rolleyes:

But I did find out some interesting things when I was making the subtitles

The first thing was that the Female sounds only have four soundset's, while the Male sounds have five soundset's. Altough the fifth soundset of the male sounds was basicly the same, done only by a different voice, and on some lines, slight different grammar.

If there are anymore questions or such,

Just E-mail me or post it in here!

D*mned, I hate when that happends! (Doubleposting) Can a mod remove the previous Guest post. Thanks Already.

In Topic: Change - Soundset (scripting question!)

28 August 2004 - 05:12 AM

Alot of work, I see....oh well, then best way is to do it via the alfabetical way.  :lol:

So Male1, Male2, Male3, Male4, Male5.

and Female1, Female2, Female3, Female4, Female5.

And Illid_ and the Demon_.

So the all above named should have all subtitles.

In Topic: Change - Soundset (scripting question!)

27 August 2004 - 05:57 PM

...about the fat lady.... :P

I think, you could start with making the script and then I will write the subtitels.

My question only just to be sertain, do I have to write all the sounds that are in the soundset over to a txt file?

example: BECOMING_LEADER = None of them know my true power.

And so on?

In Topic: Change - Soundset (scripting question!)

27 August 2004 - 05:05 PM


Hear'ye, hear'ye, Vae Victus has surpassed Noob!  :lol:

Another thing is that this will grant your characters to have subtitles for their soundsets.


There could still be possible to initiate the dialogue at other places too, but you should only do that if you want to change the soundset to something else.

It is usefull to have that option, but it would not be needed, eitherway to me that is.

It won't work if you change you sound through "Customize".

So basicly, that option has been disabled. That's not a problem.

I have a feeling my mod is going to work!  :)