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Member Since 19 Jun 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 14 2022 11:47 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: BG2 Improved GUI

24 April 2021 - 09:02 PM

how many are there? anyone have a list?

In Topic: NearInfinity

24 April 2021 - 04:02 AM

I am sure I am missing something but a Ctrl+L Thief: finds the the thief description. I have edited the druid, elf, and others
Oh btw thanks argent for all the updates!

In Topic: Strange looking helmets

24 April 2021 - 03:43 AM

heh I woke just remembering that, strange because that is what I use as well (tho not tutu just game dir).

In Topic: Strange looking helmets

21 April 2021 - 08:23 AM

Screenshot with TobEx... try hitting the print screen button with your mouse on the inventory part of the screen, then hit it one more time. That sometimes does it. If you have an ability to clear out your clipboard just before taking a screenshot then it will work.

In Topic: BG2 Improved GUI

18 April 2021 - 10:06 AM

words removed about a spam post eariler


Apparently that was a bit of nastiness.


Gwen you can remove this post too