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Member Since 14 Jun 2004
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In Topic: One Question

05 July 2004 - 03:44 AM

Okay, thanks a lot. (Now I learned another thing!)

In Topic: One Question

04 July 2004 - 10:37 AM

Let's say that I want the chain to continue on, but I want different results for the two dialog options. So should I use GOTO? Like this?

== bjklsy
+~Global("Something","LOCALS",9)~+~What?~+GOTO Somewhere
+~Global("Something","LOCALS",10)~+~Hmm...~+GOTO SomewhereElse

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Somewhere
IF ~Trigger1()
      Trigger2()~ THEN BJKLSY PizzaChain
~Don't interrupt our conversation, <CHARNAME>!~
~Now, Imoen, write me a full list of ingredients of the pizza you like. Now!~
~O-Okay, K-K-Kelsey.~

In Topic: One Question

04 July 2004 - 02:37 AM

  IF ~Global("KelseyImoenPizza","LOCALS",0)
      !StateCheck("Imoen2",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN BJKLSY pizzachain
  ~Imoen, what do you like on your pizza?~
DO ~SetGlobal("KelseyImoenPizza","LOCALS",1)~
  == IMOEN2J
  ~Oh, and maybe with a little basil mixed in.~
  ~Well, yeah, but anything else?~
  == IMOEN2J
  ~Sauce is good.~
  ~(laughs) You're not being very helpful, Imoen.~
  == IMOEN2J
  ~Crust. I like crust on my pizza. Cooked crust is better.~
  ~Do you want me to make you this pizza or not?~
  ~It WAS your idea.~
  == IMOEN2J
  ~I can't decide. Never mind, I'm just gonna have yogurt.~
+~Global("Something","LOCALS",9)~+~What?~+GOTO Somewhere
+~Global("Something","LOCALS",10)~+~Hmm...~+GOTO SomewhereElse

Like this?

In Topic: One Question

03 July 2004 - 05:17 AM

Thanks for paying attention Seifer, but I wanted to learn how could I insert <CHARNAME>'s dialog options in an ongoing chain.
I took a look at the WeiDU readme sometime ago, and that example you copy/pasted drew my attention. But I couldn't find an example on what I said...

In Topic: Need Help - Triggers

14 June 2004 - 12:06 PM

Oh, ok.
Is it,

IF ~IsGabber(Viconia)~ THEN REPLY ~Blabla~ Goto Bla2

So Viconia doesn't have to talk to that NPC directly.
If the protagonist talks, or anyone else, other than Viconia, the dialog option will still appear. Thanks bt_igi, that should do the trick.