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Shaded Mazoku

Member Since 20 May 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2005 12:24 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: His Bardliness

14 October 2004 - 12:51 PM

Considering that I love Dir en grey, I have to love this.

In Topic: You have got to be kidding...

15 August 2004 - 04:41 AM

His BGI portrait is quite handsome, actually. Personally, I like the nose ring, but I know I'm in the minority there. Then again, I'm a piercing addict, so my opinion is biased.

In Topic: Weirdest characters you've made

28 June 2004 - 06:52 PM

besides... we need a good necro

you could make a minsc esque necro similar to that? except more intellegent

Just a shame I'm lousy at playing good characters. I usually play either chaotic neutral or any kind of evil. If I play good, I play chaotic good. Lizandre, the necromancer in question, is CN. I suppose I could create a good necromancer. It is my favorite magic school, after all. Now, if I only could create mods, I'd do that. Minsc-esque might be hard to do, though, seeing as how Minsc has a wisdom of 6 while the requirement for a necromancer is WIS 16.

Quite a lot of fun to play...madmen are hilarious.

They are. I guess that's why I keep making up mad characters.

In Topic: Weirdest characters you've made

28 June 2004 - 05:00 PM

I'd love to make a mod out of some of my characters, but not only do I have no real mod skills, but the BG universe already have an insane necromancer. Although Xzar never wore a wedding dress that I know of.

In Topic: Weirdest characters you've made

28 June 2004 - 04:39 PM

I played, and still do when I have my friends in the area, as a chaotic neutral tiefling cleric of the god of pain who runs around our little fantasy world in drag. His weapon of choice is a cat-o'-nine-tails or his fangs, depending on whether he has a good or a bad day, and he hears voices in his head. He's a very fun character to play.

I also play an insane elven necromancer who prances around the land in a tattered wedding dress, followed by his loyal army of zombie children and animated dolls.