I was on gamefaqs.com the other day and saw this. I'm surprised it wasn't posted here. Really surprised. Did I mention surprised?
Dragon Age
Your link connects to nothing related to Dragon Age. What is this about ?
Feanor hasn't added any friends yet.
16 February 2008 - 04:34 AM
I was on gamefaqs.com the other day and saw this. I'm surprised it wasn't posted here. Really surprised. Did I mention surprised?
Dragon Age
01 February 2008 - 12:18 PM
Check Delusions for info on 4E, Feanor, but the short version is: everything you know about FR is now wrong. Up to and including the Planes, the various races, the way magic works, the entire class and prestige class system, the nations of FR, and so on and so forth. Personally, Bioware and Bethesda are about the only companies I would trust with another Baldur's Gate game.
01 February 2008 - 12:15 PM
Hmm.. a game set during the Year of Shadows could at least prove some damn interesting opportunities.
01 February 2008 - 10:22 AM
Seldarine, Feanor is back. What have we done to deserve this? Now all is left is TGMaestro to show up, and my misery will be complete.
Anyway, yes and yes to Tempest's statements. The dialogue will suck, and WotC plays by the different rules now, so the game will be a letdown, and an unrecognizable letdown at that.
(This is my cue to suck up and say something about hiring JCompton and Co, but everyone knows we're the best when it comes to shoes, forgetful bards and morose elves anyway, so. )
01 February 2008 - 10:12 AM
If it's me you're refering to as "dude", I'm a girl. And no, it's not everything I can imagine (I have a very vivid and broad imagination, thank you), but that doesn't mean I don't feel that the story is VERY finished. I want some things left to my imagination. And yes, the Bhaalspawn is very much alive and kicking, but that doesn't mean I want to hear more about it.
But to each their own, I guess.
(in any case, a BG3 without the Bhaalspawn as a protagonist wouldn't really be a sequel in the same way. They should make a new game - with the IE engine - in that case.)
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