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Member Since 13 Apr 2004
Offline Last Active May 29 2015 09:19 PM

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Reunion in BG2 should be improved

31 July 2013 - 12:37 AM

First: I have just finished a SoA-friendship-Tour with Isra (now continuing in ToB).
SHE IS GREAT! 8-))and I'm looking for a future love-tour...

While (at least in BGT) the current transfer to BG2 is a bug (notified in that section), I discovered that a reunion forced me to "shadowkeep" her first. 8-(

At least her stats and profiencies (better her eqipment also) should be same (or better) than in BG1! (That seems a common problem with chars you know from BG1 - e.g. ALORA.) If that's not possible, there should be a believable cause WHY they changed / were cut down.

Bug report: Transfer to BG2 (BGT)

16 July 2013 - 09:09 PM

I'm replaying BGT with Isra and Valerie in my team.
Installed are Valerie, Isra, and Isra BG2. (All mods are actual.)

My final team: Isra, Khalid, Jaheira, Valerie, Imoen
After the transfer Isra and Valerie are group members from the very beginning. (They don't need to join!) They are "naked" in the room beneath Jaheira's cage.
This doesn't seem right now. Retries showed similar results if only Valerie or Isra are in the final team.

But it would be a good idea to transfer Isra and Valerie to BG2 by default in BGT if finally joined. It would make sense, too: Both characters belong to Amn and have to report to their organisations. They would like the magical transfer by Belt because of speed and comfort... 8-)
In others cases it would be fine to meet them again (or first time) in BG2 (as is).

(I will place the same Bug Report for Isra.)

Thanks for very good companions!