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Member Since 03 Apr 2004
Offline Last Active May 27 2005 06:49 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Comments on "Mind Games"

05 June 2004 - 06:58 PM

MG, you are just torturing me here! MorningGlory spends the whole chapter in as much suspense as we do. Tease!

And Aran conveniently has something else to do that morning? Why do I get the feeling he's on to Glory's little plan. But then wouldn't he have called her on it? I'm itching to know what he's up to.

Ribald seems a rather rustic and likeably character. Although 'Missy' is not my first choice of nic name. :P

And now a secret enterance to Glory's office? I wonder it that's in Aran's files.... :rolleyes:

Well, I'll be waiting "paciently" until tomorrow..... ^_^

In Topic: Many Meetings

06 May 2004 - 05:21 AM

I really don't think you can make this idea fly. After all, fanfic is pretty new to this site so there may not be enough writers for it.

Also, if the other fanfic authors are like me, we like to hoard our ideas and not use them unless we can really develop them into longer stories. That way we can take all the credit if we come up with something really good. :rolleyes:

Just a thought.

In Topic: Comments on "Anaria"

05 May 2004 - 08:03 AM

Sorry for ignoring everyone for so long, I was busy turning 21 and my mouse needed replacing.

@farsal: I am trying to get another chapter done soon, but real life has kept me busy in the past while.

@Skittles: Thank you and sorry if I'm taking too long. I'm like that. :(

@Bri: Thank you sweetie. ;)

@Meira: Thanks, I'm glad you liked how she was able to identify with Irenicus. I'm a little proud of that part. And actually I have reposted 'Losing Grip' here. You just need to hunt for it. ;)

@Bey: Yes, I am overdue, but you can't get blood from a stone. MG may have to upgrade her pointy stick.

In Topic: Comments on "Anaria"

28 April 2004 - 11:20 AM

How will Ano react, Viga? I'm just wondering myself. Originally I had planned to dodge writing that bit, but now I think I have to. And with any luck I will work in some good banter with Imoen, Jahiera and Sarevok, as well as another NPC that will join the party.

@thecursed: It's too soon to write this one off as another 'Kelsey wins the girl' tale. ;)

@Shadowhawke and Celestine: Hang on there ladies, I'll try to get another part out soon.

In Topic: Twists of Fate

25 April 2004 - 06:50 AM

A New Beginning

Kelsey nervously brushed a stray lock of golden hair out of Orianna's face. The half-elf's eyes were pressed tight shut, her face was flushed, beads of perspiration glistening on her brow. She moaned in pain. Her breath was erratic and forced. He gripped her hand more tightly trying to keep his panic under control. She's going to be alright, he tried to tell himself. The loud voices of the others around them were a blur of sound to him.

"Kelsey?" her voice was weak and she sounded slightly confused. He stroked the side of her face soothingly, forcing himself not to look down at the blood.

His own voice sounded weak as well. "I'm right here love, it's going to be alright...."

She moaned again. "Kelsey, it hurts...."

"I know, I know Ori. It's going to be OK, I promise. Jahiera's right here."

"Kelsey? You're... hurt...."

"What?.... I'm fine," he said, a bit confused by her words. "Why would I be hurt?"

"Not you, you big dummy!" piped up Imoen. "You're hurting her! You're squeezing her hand to hard!"

Kelsey looked down to see that his knuckles were indeed white. He let go hastily.

"Oh Gods, I'm sorry my love!"

Orianna smiled weakly, whispering that it was ok.

Jahiera was not so forgiving. "Kelsey, for the love of Silvanus, stop distracting her! She needs to concentrate. Push Orianna!"

Kelsey took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He wasn't going to survive being a father if he had a nervous breakdown before his first child was even delivered. Orianna seemed to be doing better now, but Jahiera was still getting frustrated. Imoen was hopping from foot to foot next to the end of the bed.

"Stop fidgeting, child. I'm trying to concentrate."

"Oh, this is so exciting! I'm going to be an aunt!"

"Quiet! Kelsey, stop looking so lost and wipe her brow."

"Oh! Right!"

"How much longer?" groaned Orianna.

"You're almost there, just a few more minutes.... Imoen! I said stop being a nuisance or I'll make you leave the room!"

"Fat chance, J. I'm not going anywhere!"

"Ladies, please! She's trying to give birth here. You're doing beautifully Ori, don't stop."

"Kelsey.... hand...."

"Oops, sorry love..."

The minutes dragged on. Orianna continued to push, Imoen to fidget, Jahiera to grumble and Kelsey to panic.

"Jahiera, is there something wrong? Why is it taking so long? There is something wrong isn't there?"

"For the last time, NO! She's almost there. This is normal, Kelsey, stop asking."

"I can see the head!" squeaked Imoen.

"Once more child, PUSH!"

"I AM pushing!"

"Oh my Gods!" gasped Kelsey, "its..."

"I have her!" exclaimed Jahiera.

"It's a GIRL!" shrieked Imoen.

Kelsey sat gaping as Jahiera tenderly lifted the screaming infant for Orianna to see. Reality just wouldn't sink in. In a few seconds Jahiera was busy again cleaning the child off as Imoen cooed over her. "Awwwww.... she's sooo cute!"

Kelsey looked down at his wife's tired face. She smiled up at him.

"It's a girl," he whispered in astonishment.

"I told you the Solar was right," she said.

Suddenly, a deep booming voice came from the hallway. "Hamsters and Rangers everywhere, rejoice!" Minsc's speech was punctuated at intervals by Boo's distinctive squeak. "Did you hear Jan? Boo says it is a little Orianna!"

"Huh? Wa?.... Whadid I miss?" said Jan, peeking round the door.

Kelsey felt a hand reach up and brush softly against his cheek. Orianna was grinning. "Kelsey love, are those tears?"

He blinked, realizing that his eyes had indeed become misty.

"Aw, you big softy!" said Imoen, coming round the bed to give Kelsey a big hug and kiss.

"Thanks, Im," he sniffed.

"Well," began Jan bustling into the room. "She's certainly got a healthy set of lungs. Sounds like a baby griffin from what I can hear. Ma Jansen always used to say, if they don't start crying right away just start 'em feeding on turnip juice in a sheep's bladder and Gerhard's your uncle if they don't start screaming for more! Except of course when cousin Agnes added some carrot juice one time, the baby started screaming so loud it attracted all the griffin mothers in the neighbourhood, thinkin' it was there own baby......"

Jahiera interrupted Jan's story. "Well mister Coltrane, would you like to hold your daughter now?" She was uncharacteristically grinning from ear to ear as she held out to Kelsey the small bundle in her arms. He was in awe and more than a little nervous as he awkwardly tried to hold onto the struggling infant. She was so small. Her little red face was scrunched and her tiny mouth quavered as she cried fitfully. Kelsey marvelled at her delicate little fingers and kicking limbs. Her head was covered in a soft golden down and her miniature ears were gently pointed like her mother's. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

Several minutes passed before he heard another word of the excited talk around them. He couldn't take his eyes from the tiny creature. Eventually he was forced (by Jahiera) to let Orianna hold her new baby. He didn't want to let her go.

Soon Jahiera decided it was time to leave the couple alone with each other. Imoen wasn't pleased at the prospect. "Oh, 'c'mon J. Just a little longer.... please?"

"Boo is so happy," sniffed Minsc as he shuffled to the door.

"Orianna needs rest now. She and the baby will be fine so we must let them get some sleep." Jahiera had taken on a very mothering tone. She was obviously proud of the delivery. "Don't keep her up too long, Kelsey."

"I won't."

"Wait! I nearly forgot!" said Jan suddenly disappearing from the room. He returned in a few moment dragging behind him a huge rumbling and clanking piece of machinery. "I haven't given them my congratulatory gift!"

Kelsey's eyes went round at the sight of the thing. Jan was having trouble getting it through the doors.

"Wow! Neat!" said Imoen.

"Neat?" asked Kelsey, "Jan, what in the realms is that thing?"

"This," said the gnome triumphantly, "is the 'Jansen Special, High Powered, Flasher-matic, Turnip-Powered, Babysitting Cradle Unit' (patent pending). I invented it myself to commemorate this joyous occasion." He beamed at the others.

"That's a supposed to be a cradle?" Kelsey thought it looked more like a death trap. Squeaking wheels, gears and springs stuck out everywhere at odd angles, lights flashed and a sharp clicking noise was coming from underneath it. The room was beginning to smell suspiciously of turnips and machine oil. It was still stuck in the door.

"Um, thanks.... Jan.... No offence, but.... I'm not letting that thing anywhere near Orianna or the baby." Kelsey eyed the thing uneasily as the clicking sound increased.

"Oh, no problem!" said Jan cheerfully. "To tell the truth, I was having a little trouble with the internal turnip combustion engine. Kept blowing up on me don't ya know. I'll keep working on it." With some more noise and a hiss of smoke, Jan and his invention left the room. Kelsey let out the breath he had been holding.

Finally, when they were alone, Kelsey settled comfortably on the bed next to Orianna. They just sat quietly together for sometime listening to the baby gurgling as she drifted of to sleep. Their happiness couldn't be expressed. Orianna turned her face to Kelsey.

"I love you," she said simply.

"And I love you. My second favourite heroine." She grinned and rewarded his joke with a small slap.
She looked at the infant in her arms again, the small red face still looking a bit wrinkled. "She looks kind of funny, doesn't she? But I love her."

Kelsey sighed happily. "I think she's beautiful, just like her mother. She's perfect."