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Member Since 01 Apr 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 01 2010 11:38 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Variable Deletion

28 December 2009 - 05:45 AM

(Indidentally, for what it's worth, I'm very impressed with all the good work that's gone on here.)

In Topic: Variable Deletion

28 December 2009 - 05:44 AM

Got there before me. As a quick sanity check, it might be worth firing up a hex editor and scouring the EXE for each variable name before you delete it. We know PST has a lot of hardcoded shit, and I imagine embedding variable dependencies in the binary is not beyond it.

In Topic: Remorhaz walking speed adjustment

26 December 2009 - 11:47 AM

Does using an EXE patch rather than an effect to adjust the speed allow the creature to respond correctly to haste, slow, etc.? If so, could a similar patch be applied to player characters to recreate the BG1 walking speed when playing BGT or Tutu?

In Topic: Challenge #64: Nalia

14 August 2009 - 12:31 PM

Attached File  ADOLF_DEARNISE.JPG   28.81K   575 downloads

Attached File  NALIA_DOGG.JPG   42.01K   583 downloads

Attached File  BIG_NALIA.JPG   11.76K   579 downloads