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Member Since 05 Jan 2004
Offline Last Active Mar 10 2008 05:40 AM

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In Topic: Return To Windspear

27 September 2004 - 08:30 PM

In pnp, there are some deaths which are non resurrectable, I think any PC that gets damaged to -10 or lower suffers from "the final death." Although there are still ways for them to come back, a wish spell or divine ressurection, for example. "Chunking" is just the way it's implemented in BG2.

You could probably ignore it anyway, I'm sure the paladins could call up a divine favor or two in a pinch. :lol:

edit: I stand corrected. I should probably play pnp before I pretend to know about it. :D

In Topic: Imoen's sexuality

04 May 2004 - 08:07 AM

I don't think that we have enough evidence either way to say what she is. If you asked her if she was gay, she'd probably smile and nod. If you asked her if she was straight, she'd laugh and say, "Sure!" It just seems like a question she wouldn't answer - just because.

It seems like if you were to ask her and the mood struck her she would just say she loved only fish or often found her self dreaming of the day when she could work up the courage to proposition your familiar.

This is a hard question to answer. I guess the only real thing to do is to try writing situations for her, and see where her character leads you. Just for the heck of it, I tried a few times to think up PCs that Imoen may even be sexually interested in at all, and that was very, very hard. She doesn't give much away as per her tastes, I'm afraid.

In one situation, I had her sister ask her straight out, "Immy, do you want to sleep with me?" and she just laughed. Laughed and said they slept together all the time, and they should just leave it at that. (That's what happened in my head anyway ^_^ )

I couldn't think of her getting together with anyone she had such a unique, close bond with. Maybe the PC might want that but given her character and her history, I don't think she would go for it. She'd dodge the subject, laugh, joke, tease - but more than likely, she would just try to keep things as they are. The PC is one of the only stable things in her life, the only constant. A constant she would like to keep.

In Topic: Question Imoen

22 April 2004 - 07:55 AM

Ack! I forgot about how she kind of already answered that question. I must be thinking too much about new NPCs. -_- I do like the response to my second question. It seems very Imoen, but...

I... I wish sometimes that you wouldn't do the things that you do, that we could be back at Candlekeep where we just played all day... but then I remember we can never go back.

This is definitely in character, but she already says as much. I think she says it two or three times over the course of the game - how she'd like to go back but knows she can't. I do like the second half though, that's just how I imagined she'd react. :D

Here's another good-PC since my last one didn't work so well. ^_^

"Hey Immy, does it ever bother you that all the stories about how I saved everyone from Bhaal's rebirth only barely mention you? It'd definitely bug me. If you want I can bash some heads in ... or write some nasty letters ... and maybe shout your name from the rooftops to proclaim your goodness! How about it?"

In Topic: Question Imoen

21 April 2004 - 06:50 PM

A challenge question? Maybe I can think of one!

"Immy, you've been through this whole ordeal with me... ever since the very begining. I don't think I could have made it here without you. But now I don't know what to do! Here I am being offered the chance to become a goddess... I could do so much good, but at the same time, I don't want to leave you and the others behind. Immy, I trust you more than anyone, what should I do?"

Or maybe sometime in SoA:

"Imoen, why do you stay with me? You know by now that I've never been a good person, and I never intend to be. You occasionally complain when you think I do something horrible, but you never really try to stop me. Could it be that you enjoy the carnage secretly, as I once did? Or is it something else?"