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Member Since 19 Nov 2003
Offline Last Active Nov 16 2009 12:25 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: To Mistress Elysia or Silmarien

07 August 2009 - 04:16 AM


Hey Meira,

I'll try and contact her myself via the phone and let her know your plans, i don't forsee her having any issues with it myself.

This is just a quick update to let you know Meira, that i spoke to Mistress E on tuesday briefly and she's more than happy for to go ahead with your idea. :cheers:

In Topic: To Mistress Elysia or Silmarien

27 July 2009 - 06:24 AM


Hey Meira,

I'll try and contact her myself via the phone and let her know your plans, i don't forsee her having any issues with it myself.

In Topic: Ummm, hello...

21 July 2009 - 06:24 AM


Ok folk's just a little update on Ely's situation...

I was on the phone to Ely yesterday and i said i would give people an update on her circumstances so here goes...

At the current moment, Ely is busy with her now 6 month old daughter. This means she has very little time to get online, as her daughter now is about to be weened, and feed solids etc..and every time Ely starts to go online her darling daughter demands attention...so it curbs her online time...down to not very much; and even then shes only on baby related sites. Also along with this shes still decorating her house, the room where she will have her dining room/study still isn't finished (no carpet and something else) so her pc which is still packed away, will remain so until that room is finished.

She's also going back to work part time in september, which means she needs to sort out stuff that relates to that.

And she also has some more family matters to take care of again curbing her time online if she gets any.

But don't mistake her lack of time online for not doing any work on her mod, Ely has imformed me she has a new notebook with ideas and dialogues that shes working on. Its just taking time to do it with all the other RL things she has to deal with, she's really sorry she can't be online to update you personally but rest assured i will try and keep you updated if Ely can't make it online herself.

One word of caution however; due to Ely being busy with RL issues, it's also difficult to catch her on the phone (I've spoken to her in total 1hr 15 min in the last 3 months!!!); if she's not out then shes not always close to her phone to answer it. Therefore i may not be able to update you myself as often as i may like due to not being able to contact Ely.

Please be patient with her, and try not to spam the usual ''Is it ready yet posts?'' as they won't make things speed up any faster as RL is not like a game where you can place a 'go faster cheat' and then continue onwards...i don't want to offend people but Ely needs patience not impatience.

She will return to Spellhold as soon as she can so in the meantime i'd like to wish her all the best and we'll see her when she gets back to a normal pace of life...:D

In Topic: Fade's arrival

06 July 2009 - 07:13 AM

When does the red-haired lady arrive in Baldur's Gate TOB? I've been waiting ages(at least it feels like ages   :whistling: ) for the expansion..


Your Dark Angel.. :)

Fade will arrive when Mistress E, can finally get out her main comp (which is packed away due to house renovations) most of the dialogues are there i believe. But that will only happen when she can find the time to do it, apart from the house she has to sort out stuff for her work which she's due to go back to in september and when shes not so busy looking after her 5 month old daugther.

I don't mean to offend you but RL is taking up most of her time right now, so Fade will be ready when she's ready.

So can i ask for a bit of patience in the meantime...thx

In Topic: How long have you been waiting?

18 April 2009 - 09:05 AM

It was around the end of January 04 when i noted the mod in question, i'm not around much either and this is my first post since June 04 so it's been a looooooooooonnnnngggggg time since i was last here.

I've been hiding in WoW and dealing with other things of a more personal nature...(way too long to go into)

But it would be nice to see it done i guess :whistling: