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Member Since 22 Aug 2003
Offline Last Active Oct 22 2006 11:22 PM

Topics I've Started

new ending for Viconia

03 April 2005 - 12:34 AM

is it true theres a new ending for Viconia with this mod, if so do i still get it if i romance Viccy. also does her evil ending from the flirt pack cause problems with the new ending

future versions

13 December 2004 - 06:54 AM

i really enjoyed playing this mod, this must be one of the best romances ive played to date, in future version will there be any new epilogues (possibly for more evil players, one thing i cant remeber does charname have any children in the epligoue)


05 October 2004 - 03:02 PM

Just wondering if its  my own instalation is buggy ,has anyone had any trouble with the tob part of the romance, everything works like a charm until i get to the lovetalk where he talks about the furture. then all lovetalks stop i dont even get the saradush sleep talk.

ive taken a look with shadow keeper the romnace timer is set to 1 the romanceactive timer is set to 2 it also says lovetalk 44 but i cant be sure that includes the tob talks. also if it helps the explovetalk locals is 6

edwing resurection

04 October 2004 - 03:01 PM

just wondering when u place edwins body in the altar with bhodis heart r they both ment to disapper also i cant seem to figure out what the extra item i ment to include is ive tried the lock of hair ive got of edwin but theres no reaction

when does dergarden show up

04 October 2004 - 02:57 AM

ive just gone pass the edwina lovetalk where he replies It seems we understand each other well, <CHARNAME>, and that you have at least a modicum of sense. I have to admit it pleases me.

the thing is i cant get passed this lovetalk ive rested gone out of town i assume that dergarden is supposed to show at this time r they any requirments for his spawn like a location or something.

if it helps the lovetalk number is 27