Member Since 28 Sep 2009Offline Last Active Aug 17 2013 12:39 PM
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- Active Posts 28
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- Age 44 years old
- Birthday July 21, 1980
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Freedale, Dalelands
Role Playing Games, Dungeons & Dragons, Classic Gaming, Baseball (doesn't seem to fit does it?)
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In Topic: Introduction
14 August 2013 - 02:06 PM
I have a question. Is the BG1 version included on this install or do I have to have TuTu installed to have her work through both games.
In Topic: Does anyone recall.... (NPC Idea)
12 August 2013 - 09:24 AM
Sure no problem. I am going to.make a new topic for the project and see if I can generate anymore interest.
In Topic: Content Transplant
12 August 2013 - 12:56 AM
That's what I figured Almateria. Its not like I am stealing. I just want to enjoy the content I bought. My PC died and I picked up a cheapo and for what ever reason it runs real slow when I try to play EE. Thought she looked pretty cool.
In Topic: Does anyone recall.... (NPC Idea)
11 August 2013 - 11:35 PM
l see how to go about opening up a project page on the forum. I suppose I'll have to ask how to go about doing so. We can throw something IP on the classifieds for help swell.
In Topic: Does anyone recall.... (NPC Idea)
11 August 2013 - 10:49 PM
Yeah that is the one Daulmakan! That's awesome,thanks so much.
Paxluminaris, I can do much of the writing. Its one thing I am good at however I have no skill what so ever when it comes to scripting. I am thinking if we could get another person or two on board I see no reason why this couldn't happen. All we need is someone else who can help with the more advanced scripting and another set of hands to help with writing and what not. I really think this could turn out to be a fantastic character. Ill poke around and see what the original posts had going on with her and we can take it from there. Hopefully we can manage to get a couple more people on board. Mainly someone to help with the advanced stuff.
Paxluminaris, I can do much of the writing. Its one thing I am good at however I have no skill what so ever when it comes to scripting. I am thinking if we could get another person or two on board I see no reason why this couldn't happen. All we need is someone else who can help with the more advanced scripting and another set of hands to help with writing and what not. I really think this could turn out to be a fantastic character. Ill poke around and see what the original posts had going on with her and we can take it from there. Hopefully we can manage to get a couple more people on board. Mainly someone to help with the advanced stuff.
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