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Member Since 11 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2010 04:13 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Where did Karaea go? (spoilerish)

11 August 2010 - 11:59 PM

I'm in chapter five, and I've heard Karaea travels to Baldur's Gate, but I can't seem to find her anywhere?
She is kind of short and likes to hide between buildings and such :ph34r: ...... help is appreciated :o .

She's in an Inn at the centre of the city!

In Topic: Post from devi

06 August 2010 - 02:30 AM

I had this problem or something very much like it, there is an issue with the script that removes all the party members and drops all the possesions in that it sometimes crashes out and leaves you in that state.

The best way I found of getting round this is to make sure that there is only your main pc in the party when you talk to bent this gives the script much less work to do and it runs through sucessfully.

In Topic: Bug in Windspear Hills

30 July 2010 - 02:04 PM

Hello all.

I just encountered a bug in Windspear Hills, wherein if you use the key looted from Firkraag's mage's corpse on the cell door before actually speaking to Garren's (?) daughter,  she does not respond to either the door being opened or Firkraag's own death. Instead, she just repeats that you should get the key and help her flee this place. Stupidly enough, I saved after opening the cell door, making the bug more serious than it had any right to be.

Is there anything I can do to 'force' the issue?

Thanks in advance.

PS. I'm running a Recommended BWS with Check the Bodies installed instead of TDD.

Try the following console commands (Hit Ctrl & Enter to open the console):


You should now get the correct response from Iltha (Garren's Daughter)

In Topic: Shade Lord Area Locking up?

21 July 2010 - 06:11 AM

Well, the problem is that when you use the MoveToArea cheat, the script in the area you just left is still running... :doh: ... so your self-fix won't fix a thing, but just makes things worse ... :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
You have to exit using the worldmap to disable the area scripts, just like it's hinted in the inventory management point of the mini_info_pack...

I totally avoid going to area AR1400 by using MoveToArea... Hence the scripts do not run, but what I was talking about there was not using MoveToArea but leaving the area by the normal means, specifically I entered the area through the wearwolf cave having come from the Drow/Drider base, exited to AR1400 met anarth and followed it back into the cave, the lagg still creprt up and killed the game.

as I suppose that you are talking about the Operation System opening an unrelated note window while you are playing, and so blanking the spot it comes into, I have the same thing in the VLC-player and there really isn't much I know that would help there.

The Problem is is that the game blanks the entire screen irrelevant of the size of area the operating system overwrites, and the game does not redraw it, but still it sounds like you've never hear of it so nevermind.

Thanks Anyway.

In Topic: Shade Lord Area Locking up?

21 July 2010 - 05:18 AM

*The explanation for this is probably related to software settings with hardware that can be corrected with the right tools, like for example the NVidia cards, without setting other things ablaze.

Hi Jarno,
Talking of Nvidia cards do you know of a fix to correct the blacking out of the screen when external processes update the screen when the game is in full screen mode? It can be a right pain having to run the pointer over the screen to force a refresh, I know that by hiding and unhiding the interface it refreshes the screen but you can only do this when in the main play window.