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Member Since 21 Jun 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 09 2013 01:29 AM

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In Topic: Russian translation

13 October 2009 - 03:38 AM

Добавить Меч Хаоса +2 в инвентарь Саревоку: Если вам недостаточно крутых мечей, то, может быть, размахивание мечом Саревока успокоит вашу жадность. Этот компонент позволяет вам подобать Меч Хаоса +2 Саревока после того, как он будет убит.

A typo here. It's подобрать, not подобать.

@ Guest:

Why do you use word "жадность" in translation, when there is no equivalent in the original? Whatever it is that she read is briefly described as "it", not "greed". Shouldn't it be closer to the context? Unless, in the global context of the dialog it all makes sense, in which case I apologize for my criticism :) Also, I don't think it was implied that the character actually saw something in the opponent's face; it's more of a wish. Maybe it's better to say "мне следовало прочитать", not "прочитала"?

In Topic: Ultimate Planescape: Torment installation guide

13 July 2009 - 10:10 PM

Does anyone have any further corrections?

Just a small typo in section 3a:

You should now have 1280x800 (if your monitor is widescreen) or 12080x1024 (if your monitor is not widescreen) or 1280x720 (if you're playing on an LCD TV).

12080x1024 - now that's quite a resolution :)

In Topic: Haer'Dalis Romance

13 July 2009 - 09:41 PM

Were his blades renamed? Or am I just stupid? laugh.gif This one confused me.

Well, the current names of his blades are Chaos and Entropy. I think he just call them the way you described earlier, because it is kind of synonymic. Chaos and Decay can't be one without another, and Entropy is the tool of Destiny which is the decay of all multiverse.
Of course, may be I'm wrong and game designers just renamed Haer'Dalis's blades :) But I have found no evidence of that during my research. After all, these lines are from his joining dialogue, so I figure it's just his way of naming his own blades.

This one I also found interesting because it shows (to me at least) a tiny sliver of remorse or doubt perhaps. Of course it's possible he's just playing it up for dramatic reasons, but the way this is phrased makes me wonder if he feels somewhat disjointed being on the Prime. He's good at making it seem like he feels at home anywhere, but realistically I'd imagine he must feel very isolated sometimes.

I don't think he feels remorseful or doubts himself, at least about his Doomguard beliefs. The break-up with Aerie in the ToB part of the game demonstrates that quite clearly. In fact, his philosophy is the only thing that allows us to catch a glimpse of his true feelings and emotions. I don't think he feels homesick, it's not in his nature. Though indeed sometimes he dreams about Sigil, but he can't stay in one place long enough, that's not who he is. He goes where the Entropy takes him.

The race inconsistency is the one that irks me because I'm anal about such things, but I suppose that could easily be covered by saying he was lying. Feedback/opinions are welcome. Maybe I'm making too much of such a little thing, but oh well.

Why is it inconsistent? Is it not that fey'ri are the one of the tiefling "flavors"? I mean, Aerie is an elf, her character sheet doesn't say that she is an Avariel. Instead her true heritage is being used extensively to create and develop her character via dialogs.

PS: I have some more information, research and ideas about tieflings and the past of Haer'Dalis, since I've been working for some time on a little adventure of my own which includes HD as one of the main characters. If you're interested, I can tell you about it via PM :)

In Topic: Comments on the Compatibility Guide

09 July 2009 - 11:32 AM

If the player sides with the Shadow Thieves, Aran gives him the SSoB in chapter 6. OTOH, if the player sides with Bodhi, he gets to kill Aran as a part of her final task in Chapter 3 and can loot the SSoB from his corpse. This is explained in the readme.

Indeed. I've checked the readme before posting, but, apparently, I've missed the information.
Anyway, that's why this thought about getting the sword in chapter 6 was bugging me constantly. I've sided with the thieves, so I'll wait till the chapter 6. Turns out, it's not a bug after all, which is a good news :)
Update: I returned to Athaktla and reached Aran. He gave the sword without any problems or difficulties.

In Topic: Comments on the Compatibility Guide

09 July 2009 - 09:25 AM

I am playing with Tortured Souls 7.02 + RR 4.11 now, and it seems that the Aran's script somehow breaks, and he won't give the SSoB blade to the protagonist. Though I do not remember if he gives the sword in the chapter 3 or chapter 6? If it's the latter, then sorry for the somewhat premature report, since I am currently in Underdark in my run :)
Otherwise, TS and RR seem to be working smoothly together. I have acquired some bugs with TS content, but they are most certainly not related to RR at all.
PS: TS is marked as an untested component in the Compatibility Guide, so I thought I'd help out with 'testing' while playing.