A typo here. It's подобрать, not подобать.Readme.htm
Добавить Меч Хаоса +2 в инвентарь Саревоку: Если вам недостаточно крутых мечей, то, может быть, размахивание мечом Саревока успокоит вашу жадность. Этот компонент позволяет вам подобать Меч Хаоса +2 Саревока после того, как он будет убит.
@ Guest:
Why do you use word "жадность" in translation, when there is no equivalent in the original? Whatever it is that she read is briefly described as "it", not "greed". Shouldn't it be closer to the context? Unless, in the global context of the dialog it all makes sense, in which case I apologize for my criticism Also, I don't think it was implied that the character actually saw something in the opponent's face; it's more of a wish. Maybe it's better to say "мне следовало прочитать", not "прочитала"?