People have been properly implementing combat rounds, attacks per round, speed factors etc in GemRB recently, and it seems to all work quite nicely in Baldur's Gate 1/2 and Icewind Dale, with a round size of 6 seconds. However, it looks much too slow when running Planescape: Torment! By enabling the autopause on the end of rounds in PS:T, it seems pretty obvious to me that they're less than 6 seconds (heck, just watching the attacks in PS:T seems to show that). However, everything on the web that I can find just simply assumes that rounds in Torment are 6 seconds!
After some experimentation (and one false start), my guess is either 3.5 or 4 seconds. All of my tests certainly *seem* to have rounds less than 5 seconds and more than 3 seconds, but that's about as accurate as I can get - many times it seems closer to 3 seconds than to 4. And it's always possible that rounds are not of a fixed length at all in PS:T.
So I'm looking for some other observations here, please! How long do *you* think combat rounds are in PS:T?
(If there's anywhere else to post this where it might get more observations then that'd also be nice to know!)
Member Since 25 May 2009Offline Last Active Aug 18 2010 03:15 AM