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Member Since 25 May 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 18 2010 03:15 AM

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In Topic: ar0600.ini

29 June 2009 - 07:05 AM

I'll have to look into ini stuff more to see how it all works. Might help to track down any other problems.

I'd appreciate you mentioning anything surprising you find; gemrb's IniSpawn.cpp contains our spawn ini implementation, but it's not complete (just enough to make PS:T, IWD and IWD2 seem to work, I think).

In Topic: dakkon dialog

13 June 2009 - 01:47 PM

It looks to me like the ALTER_TRANS DDAKKON BEGIN 238 END BEGIN 2 END BEGIN "REPLY" ~#59470~ END already in the fixpack should fix that one (changing the second strref to "I had some other questions about our travels..").

In Topic: ar0600.ini

13 June 2009 - 06:14 AM

As for the question... yeah, it -does- seem to me also that a combat round -is- more like every 2 seconds, rather than 6. That explains a bit actually. I wonder if that is a bug or intentional?

I think it's deliberate; it's the kind of thing that they'd certainly notice, and everything else (attacks per round, weapon speed factors, etc) seems to be scaled to the shorter rounds too (although if you know of anything that is otherwise, I'd be grateful to know). If you turn on end-of-round autopauses (a bit misleadingly named, they autopause at the beginning of rounds, it seems) then it seems quite clear, both for combat and for spells. I'm just so surprised no-one's mentioned it before - I worry I might be missing something obviously contradictory! The fixpack readme/forums/etc have been very useful for their glimpses into how other things work.

In Topic: ar0600.ini

13 June 2009 - 04:10 AM

AR0402 is the Smoldering Corpse Bar. It's okay if an INI file doesn't have that section. If the section does not exist, TNO's respawn defaults to the Mortuary 2nd floor (AR0202). Example: AR3006A.INI (this is the trap building in Ragpicker's Square with no door that you can only get out of with a bead from Vlask... or by dying.)

That is actually already implemented by in GemRB, Avenger is forgetful! :)

Going a bit off-topic (sorry!): I have a few questions about how things in PS:T work (for instance, are rounds always 2 seconds? It seems so to me, and I'd like to implement that in GemRB, but every post I can find via Google seems to assume they're 6 seconds, the same as Baldur's Gate, and I worry that perhaps round sizes are somehow different). Since you seem to be the person with the most knowledge about how these things work, would you be willing to try to answer some of them were I to post here or email or similar? Or anyone else?

In Topic: Repackaging your lovely mods

04 June 2009 - 10:53 AM

Well, once v4 is completed I wouldn't be against lending a hand to GemRB with knowledge I have of inner workings of PST. There is a LOT of code specific to TNO which is not part of IE. Most of it is just segments of existing IE code sometimes slightly modified. Still, to mirror PST you'd have to add these checks in.

We'd all be very grateful for an help you could give, if you ever have any time left from patching *both* of my favourite games!

We have some small parts of TNO-specific code already (I know of the resurrection/death code and some level-up special-casing), but for the most part we haven't even begun to look into how it works. A lot of the existing levelup/stats/combat/etc code just assumes that the game rules work the same as the BG2 rules, so we might have a lot of work ahead of us just to make the non-TNO code work properly - I'm hoping to work on this sometime soon.

As for morale, getting it working shouldn't be too hard. I basically set up two types of morale. The first being the original which I like to call "current morale" (CM) and second being "max morale" (MM). Without any state changes, CM/MM are the same. CM is used in things that modify morale directly such as horror spell and combat damage. MM doesn't change except via script functions (incmorale, decmorale, etc) and used in the dialog checks among other places. I can provide some more detailed notes at some point if you're interested in mirroring it into PST branch of GemRB.

It sounds like it would be fairly easy for us to mirror into GemRB, at least.