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Member Since 09 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2011 02:23 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Ummm, hello...

22 May 2009 - 04:00 PM

Welcome back, and congratulations on your baby girl.

There is actually a lot of good dairy free food out there, even chocolate (dark chocolate mostly including most if not all bittersweet) and cheese. I've been a vegan for 15 years now and never felt deprived.

In Topic: Opinions on possible future additions

22 May 2009 - 04:33 AM

They all sound like good ideas to me too.
A friendship track with a male PC that could become more romantic in time would be interesting, a guy's allowed to change his mind after all. Allthough, who could resist romancing Fade from the start?
Like others I think a relationship between Fade and Valygar would probably have to be unrequited.
It would be nice to see a female PC have someone they could really talk too as well.
As another possibility it would be good to see Fade develop a strong friendship with someone else in the party - maybe Imoen - who she can joke around with and confide in.

However, if I was being selfish I'd say that I'd rather see more content for the romance (especially ToB) as I can't imagine having her in the party and not romancing her.

Whatever you decide to do, given the quality we've seen so far, I know It'll be brilliant.

In Topic: Alternative Fade portraits

22 May 2009 - 03:50 AM

They're all well done but the third would probably be my favourite, might have to use that in future.

In Topic: mod compatability?

17 April 2009 - 01:25 PM

Hey, thanks for all the help guys, I really appreciate it.
By the way BG2SoA is the mod that adds some BG1 items to Irenicus's dungeon.

"Well, if I say yes, but do not know what I am saying yes to, it takes you half more time to even question the answer I give to you, than just to know how wrong it is"

I did go through BWP and I didn't think it was helpful as it showed compatabilities with a huge installation with a whole lot of mods I wasn't going to use so it said not to install things which will work perfectly fine with what I am going to have (e.g. rogue rebalancing). But you are right in that it does show install order. I was just confused Jarno in that you originally said it shows mod compatability for CtB which it doesn't. Your replies do tend to be a bit crpytic. But I do appreciate your trying to help.

Well, if all those mods I listed are completely compatible with CtB then I'll go ahead and install them. Looking forward to all the new stuff CtB adds, particularly the quests. I've been playing BG2 for a long time and felt like I needed something significantly different to spice things up again. I did start playing it once a long time ago (pre-weidu) and got through the chores then just ran into too many bugs.

Anyway, if anybody does think of any mods or parts of mods that are directly incompatible with CtB please post them here (I think I read somewhere that maybe Dungeon be gone isn't compatible), I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate it. I know that before I download any mod, the first thing I do is check the forums to see what mods will/wont work with it.

In Topic: mod compatability?

17 April 2009 - 01:23 AM

Thanks for the quick reply. However, I downloaded Big World Project and it seems like a long way to go to answer a simple question, every other mod has a thread for mod compatability so why not this one. It'll take me a long time to get through all that info in BWP when most of it doesn't apply.

"if you are going to use any other mods, it might need the BP-BGT-Worldmap mod"

Like I said in my original post, I'm not going to install any mega mods (apart from CtB) so I don't see why I'd need the BP Worldmap.

Essentially what I was planning to install was

BG2 with ToB
G3 Fixpack

+Fade, Banters, BG2 Tweaks, BG2SoA, COM encounters, quest pack, EXNEMs vault, Lvl1 NPCs, forgottem wars item pack, rogue rebalancing, Spell 50, item upgrades, SP item pack, timestop tweak, tower of deception, adalons blood, Kivan & unfinished business. Possibly a kit mod or oversight monk HLA's too, I haven't decided what my PC will be yet.

If anyone could tell me if these mods are compatible and if I really need the Worldmap, it would be very much appreciated. Thanks.