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Member Since 07 Oct 2008
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In Topic: Mod idea: Aen Aenis

14 February 2009 - 12:10 PM

Aen Aenis: So, what can you tell me of Avariels?

I think that the plural is the Avariel, not Avariels.

Apart from that (and the above mentioned grammar mistakes (which can of course be corrected by a willing proofreader :) )), keep up the good work.

In Topic: Mod idea: Aen Aenis

07 February 2009 - 07:01 AM

Well, I like the name, and I believe it should be read more like Ah-en Ah-enis than an anus. Nevertheless, it sounds to me more like a male name than female.

As for class and kit, I think she should definitely be a bard (what does thieving have to do with history?). The Luxleys mod by Feuille and Miss Sakaki had a bard kit which would suit her well - the Playwright. I'm sure they will let you use their kit if you ask them.

I don't think she should have good, even decent dexterity - if she is a historian, she had probably spent a long time in the library, which IMHO doesn't do good things to one's fitness :)

Her character looks interesting, but as Azkyroth said, it needs some fleshing out. Also, it isn't very usual for people to be both cynical and optimistic. Most cynics are a very pesimistic people, even if they are just pretending it.

In Topic: Spice up my adventures!

04 February 2009 - 04:54 AM

But really, the main reason why I'd suggest playing the German version over the English version is the voice acting. Of course, if you understand Czech, the original version should be an even better option. :)

Actually, in the original version there were quite a few characters voiced horribly :wacko: I haven't seen the English version though, and my German isn't good at all so I'm stuck with the original :)

And now you made me want to play it again. If only the day had at least 50 hours... :blink:

In Topic: Spice up my adventures!

04 February 2009 - 12:23 AM

I think the reason why Paradise might seem like a clone of Syberia is because both games are by Benoit Sokal. :P

Well, Sinking Island was made by Benoit Sokal too, and yet it is something completely different.

If you don't speak German well enough, you can still get the English version. Just be sure to save before using the gun, as you need *both* bullets in it, and if you waste one, then you'll be dead, okay (you'll know what I mean when you reach the point)?

This ?bug? was in the original Czech version as well. You had to reload and reload until you hit the stupid wolf.

Find a hint for that one little problem and move on. The story is too good to just give up :) I don't know how far did you get in game but I can think of only two very difficult puzzles in it and I'll admit, I used the walkthrough to get on with the story. But it's such a good story :wub:

I second that. Oh, the everlasting rubber ducky problem... :rolleyes:

In Topic: Spice up my adventures!

03 February 2009 - 03:38 AM

Nibiru seems to have got a lot of bad reviews.

Well, despite that, I liked it. The game of course wasn't perfect, but it worked for me.