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Member Since 07 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active May 24 2009 09:33 PM

Topics I've Started

The Darkest Day Banter Pack

31 December 2008 - 02:17 PM

Similar to this thread here http://www.shsforums...showtopic=38316 I am interested in making a
Darkest Day Banter Pack that would have TDD NPC's have banters and interjections with each other as well as
the Bioware NPC's. Friendship paths, romances, Crossmod content etc. all are future possibilities. However who do I contact to get permission to do this? The Darkest Day authors are still around somewhere I hope...

The Darkest Day is a great mod, and having more NPC's with more to say than joining/leaving dialogue and quest
related dialogue would make it more awesome.

ROT Banter Pack

31 December 2008 - 02:06 PM

First off the disclaimers:
1. Gilgamesh says in this thread http://www.shsforums...?showtopic=9960 Yeah, unfortunately I have no time or will to add anything to the mod anymore. Anyone is free to make their own additions however.
So this is the official permission for someone to add onto the ROT mod?

2. I am not a Drizzt expert. I've read some of the later books and have a general idea of the relationships
Drizzt, Bruenor, Catti-Brie, Regis, and Wulfgar have with each other. In writing banters for these five I would be
very open to corrections from the Drizzt veterans out there.

3. Are coding dialogue files hard? I have no coding experience or computer programming background but I will
try to learn.

Assuming I have permission as stated above:
I am interested in making a ROT Banter Pack that would feature making all the NPC's from ROT have banters and
interjections (maybe even friendship paths or romances in some cases) with each other as well as the Bioware NPC's. I would also be interested in Crossmod content but that would be much later.

Region Of Terror is a great mod, and having the NPC's have more to say than just joining/leaving and quest-related
dialogue would make it even better.

Right now I'm just scratching the surface of this but will post more.

Suggestions? Comments?