Ok, I'm in a Project with Icewind Dale 1 (with HoW and TotLM). It is a translation thing (Spanish language).
I've seen that some letters (characters) don't appear in the UI correctly. This would be for example in the Spellbook paperdoll portion for mages (or priests), the top description, under the text: "INFORMATION: SPELL", when pushing right-click mouse button in a spell.
So, if I have this Spell:
Sleep (Enchantment / Charm)
Level: 1
bla bla bla
in Spanish it translates into:
SUEñO --> (with the letter 'ñ' in lower case. This is wrong. Other letters like 'á, é, í...' are doing ok the translation)
Sueño (Encantamiento / Hechizo)
Nivel: 1
bla bla bla
So I think it is doing some conversion somehow. It is NOT fault for the fonts. I've checked them and they are ok. I can not put either the 'ñ' letter in upper case because then the tool tip is written wrong.
I want to ask if there is any file where is this conversion or it is embbeded in .exe.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,