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Member Since 07 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 16 2010 07:15 AM

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In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.3

13 March 2010 - 08:54 AM

not only did you completely fix my problem but you did it in under 30 minutes. |o/

thank you!

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.3

13 March 2010 - 08:11 AM

Anyway, just popping in to mention that the new MTSCrappackv3 has deprecated one of its components (shifting everything upwards by 1), so the install.bat might install something that's not intended to be installed ... but that won't be a problem ;) ... cause the .tp2 got renamed too :P so the BWP won't install it in the first place!

i didn't understand your post completely, so forgive me if i'm asking the wrong person, but in my recent install a few mods failed to extract. three of these were moongaze's mods, who for whatever reason has made all his mods unavailable, the fourth was the crappack. what is confusing me is that the mod downloaded correctly with the same filename listed in the install program. i figured it'd be fine if i just extracted it myself, but i am still getting this:

!  "The MTS Crappack" is not present yet. "The MTS Crappack" must be
!  installed for entire compatibility with Big Picture.

if i can get the installation program to recognize that the mod is indeed there it'd be great but failing that - can i leave the mod out safely or is it really required?
