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Member Since 10 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 25 2024 09:39 AM

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In Topic: SHS forum upgrade, new features and new look!

16 March 2010 - 06:32 PM

I'm guessing there's no update on when searching will be fixed? With the volume of information that's on here ...

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.2

02 January 2010 - 01:37 PM

Could you rather make a --change-log(answer #6) from the file 'ar0602.bcs', as it's far shorter. And I would say that the variable Global("ar0602","GLOBAL",0), is always used when one indeed loads the area, so it needs to be changed.

The thing there is, the game only has and can have 50 levels... :)


The thing there is, the game only has and can have 50 levels... :)

Well, yes, I know... I was being facetious.  ;)

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.2

02 January 2010 - 12:13 PM

Note: I tried to do a search for this, but I get a database server error when performing a search. Probably due to the recent upgrades.

I've encountered a very strange problem with Irenicus' dungeon. Things started out relatively smoothly, but I encountered increasing stuttering after a few reloads (I was trying to beat the Ogre Mage). I found that I was encountering a LOT of enemies, which I found quite odd. In the central room with the Otyughs, for instance, there were 6 Othyughs, in addition to 2 Greater Otyughs. After a little digging I found this script block in AR0602.bcs:

CreateCreature("bugbear",[617.2022],4) // Bugbear
CreateCreature("bugbear",[670.2067],4) // Bugbear
CreateCreature("bugarch",[717.1957],4) // Bugbear
CreateCreature("bugarch",[763.1991],4) // Bugbear
CreateCreature("bugarch",[823.1450],4) // Bugbear
CreateCreature("bugarch",[796.1589],4) // Bugbear
CreateCreature("bugarch",[904.1522],4) // Bugbear
CreateCreature("ddogre01",[977.262],4) // Ogre
CreateCreature("ddogre01",[1030.303],4) // Ogre
CreateCreature("ddogre01",[3204.814],4) // Ogre
CreateCreature("ddogre01",[3281.765],4) // Ogre
CreateCreature("otyugh",[2496.2056],4) // Otyugh
CreateCreature("otyugh",[2761.1962],4) // Otyugh

By itself it seems fine, but I found that it was firing EVERY time the area was loaded, whether it was from a save game or from a transition (such as going to the second level and back, despite the global variable being set. I verified in NearInfinity that a saved game had the variable set to 1, but when the game loaded, the creatures were created anyway. I walked around the AR0602 and found TONS of Bugbears, Ogres, and Otyughs. I Ctrl-Y'ed them all and the stuttering vanished. I'm not quite sure why the script block was always firing even though the global variable was set.

While you could exploit it to raise your characters to level 100+, I don't think that's what was intended with whatever mod added the above block.

Attached is my weidu.log if interested.

In Topic: BGT Transition issue. BG-->SoA

01 January 2010 - 10:39 AM

For what it's worth, I had the same issue. The modified ARAM00.bcs script did not work initially. I had in my party Kivan, Imoen (IMOEN1), Jet'Laya, Conchobhair Strongblade, and Ferthgil the Trollslayer. I found that removing the "non-standard" NPCs from NTotSC allowed the cutscene to work (with the modified BCS file). I further discovered that simply removing Conchobhair prior to talking to Belt allowed the cutscene to work. However, the game crashed just a few seconds after the auto-save in SoA (after the dialogue with Gorion about the chores). When I re-loaded the auto-save I found that Jet'Laya and Ferthgil were in cages in Irenicus's dungeon. I decided to just play it safe and remove all 3 NTotSC characters prior to talking to Belt. I still needed to use the modified ARAM00.bcs script, though.

Attached is my Weidu.log, if interested.

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.2

22 December 2009 - 06:24 PM

Are you bowbow99 at G3?
If yes, great that you have reported this to erik in the correct forum.
If not, you should make a post there, too, so erik get the information, that more users have the same problem.

Greetings Leomar

No, I'm not. However, I took your advice and added a reply to that thread to indicate I have also encountered the issue.